Creepy television moment: Flor de la V was shocked after a medium named her dead mother

The driver of Intruders was shocked and might not help but get excited in front of the cameras

All kinds of unexpected situations happen on live TV shows. This Friday followingnoon Flower of the V lived a very emotional and creepy moment in the program intruders (America) when I was interviewing Noelia Pace, a medium and astrologer.

In the entertainment cycle they held a debate on the paranormal experiences that various celebrities experienced. At one point, the medium told the driver that she had received messages from two very dear people who have already passed away: the designer Jorge Ibanez and the seamstress Sabina Baez. After asking her permission, she relayed to him what Florence’s best friend and mother had told her while she was in the study.

First of all, Noelia conveyed to him the words of his great friend: “He says that if he were here, you would only wear what he would make for you. He says that you stay calm because he knows the bond that united them, that nothing else is needed. Be thankful for your silence at that moment”. The driver listened to her in silence, very surprised by her statements.

Later, the astrologer transmitted a message from Sabina: “Regarding your mother, she marks a kind of bag, with a color between greenish and turquoise. It says that every time you use that (sewing) machine you know it is there, marking the way for you. The bag you made (for your daughter) turned out very well, although she had put a ribbon on top so that the seams do not rise.

Immediately, Flor began to cry in front of the cameras. “Sabina is with you, she’s sorry but I have to pass it on,” Noelia told her when she saw that the presenter was broken. Through tears, the diva said: “I have only one photo of my mother. In the only photo she has a green bag. I have no other photos. The medium replied: “Your mother is at all times and she told me regarding the sack you made for your daughter.” The driver changed the subject and then asked them to go to a cut, very moved by her mother’s memory that she was one of the most important people in her life.

It should be remembered that in 2018, the wife of Pablo Goycochea had revealed that Sabina died as a result of a clandestine abortion. “They always told us that my mother had died of an illness. When I was 14 years old, I went to live in the house of an aunt, my mother’s sister. I loved that aunt very much and she loved my mother, who had been one of her younger sisters. She told me the truth, she told me that my mother had died in a clandestine abortion. I was very young and I did not have the courage to ask my father what had happened, “he said in an interview with Infobae.

However, when she was an adult she dealt with the subject in therapy and was able to discuss it with her father: “I called him and asked him and my father gave me the only answer that I did not want to hear.. He told me: she died of an abortion. She bled to death, they mightn’t stop the bleeding. I there… did you see when you feel that your world is falling apart? Because I know that my brother and I were the most important thing to her, we were what she wanted most in the world, many people told me that.




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