CREDITS FOR ENTREPRENEURS 2024 +REQUIREMENTS. Find out all the details of the financing programs aimed at entrepreneurs here.
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Public banks have launched a series of financing programs aimed at entrepreneurs, which are designed to provide the capital necessary to start and expand businesses.
By facilitating access to credit, these banks help new entrepreneurs overcome one of the biggest obstacles to starting a business: the lack of capital. These measures aim to create jobs and encourage innovation.
Bank of Venezuela
Banco de Venezuela has CrediEmprendeBDV, which is designed to support projects that promote the growth of the entrepreneurial sector.
To be a beneficiary of the EmprendeBDV loan from Banco de Venezuela you must present a series of requirements:
- Register on the Emprender Juntos platform
- Natural person, Venezuelan or naturalized foreigner
- Marketing your brands or products through social media
- Formalized personal signature
- Develop an economic activity of production or service in the national territory for no more than 2 years
- Have at least six (6) months in economic activity (not limiting)
- Have the physical infrastructure or digital platform necessary to develop or execute the corresponding activity through social networks
- Registration in the EmprendeBDV program
Treasury Bank
Aimed at entrepreneurs (natural persons), to promote their incorporation into the national commercial treasury bank market, and consists of the following conditions:
- Destination of funds: Acquisition of raw materials, working capital, purchase
of machinery and equipment, remodeling of premises, acquisition of vehicle
(any means of transport), purchase of parts and/or spare parts, payment of
suppliers. - Rate: According to Plan.
- Flat commission: 0.5%
- Maximum Amount to Finance: According to the client’s payment capacity.
- Fiscal Stamp: If necessary.
- Disbursement: Depending on the type of product requested by the customer, paid
in different current account(s) at Banco del Tesoro. - Grace Period: Up to 3 months (if applicable).
Bicentennial Bank
These are the requirements to be admitted to receive credits as an entrepreneur at Banco Bicentenario:
- Be a natural person, over eighteen (18) years of age.
- If you are a foreigner, you must have resident status in the country, with a minimum of two years’ experience.
(2) years in the country. - Be a client of the bank for six (6) months.
- The applicant must have worked at least one (1) year continuously at the time of
process the request. - The applicant must demonstrate experience in bank loans and/or credit cards
(minimum six (6) months in the system financial).
2024-08-18 18:13:40