When the police confronted the two at a meeting, there was a spectacular escape during which an officer in civilian clothes was only able to save himself from the duo’s roaring BMW by jumping to the side. A few hours later they turned themselves in, reported police spokeswoman Barbara Gass.
Came to meetings with police officers
The 19-year-old came to a police station in Brigittenau around 4 p.m. and claimed that he owed a mid-four-figure amount of money to a 23-year-old Austrian and a 25-year-old Iranian. These two would now threaten to kill him. While the debtor was still talking to the police, one of the creditors called him and said that something would happen to him if he didn’t return the money. A meeting point was agreed upon in Heiligenstadt, where not only the 19-year-old appeared, but also several police officers in civilian clothes.
Suspects fled in a BMW
At the meeting point they noticed two men in a BMW. It is still unclear whether the suspects realized that they were law enforcement officers in civilian clothes or not. In any case, they accelerated and fled. A police officer was just able to get to safety by jumping to the side in front of the getaway car. The duo also severely damaged an uninvolved car.
The two managed to escape. The BMW was found a little later parked on the Döblinger Belt. The 23-year-old and the 25-year-old turned themselves in to the police a few hours later. They confirmed that the 19-year-old owed them money, but put the amount significantly lower – in the lower four-digit range. They were reported at large, and a ban on entry and approach as well as a temporary ban on weapons were imposed on them.

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