Credit for Zeughausareal-Gastro | Rapperswil-Jona – Linth24

In autumn 2024, life will return to the Zeughaus site: the renovated units can be handed over to the tenants.

WERKI bar new in today’s Brocki premises

However, the development of the area is already entering the next phase, in a part of the building not affected by the previous construction perimeter, the current Brocki premises. The Brocki will soon be moving into the newly renovated Zeughaus building 3. The WERKI bar will move into the current Brocki premises in spring 2025. Before this, the premises must be renovated and made ready for a restaurant. The future tenants will then carry out the concept-dependent interior fittings at their own expense.

The decision to move the Brocki and the WERKI bar was preceded by numerous discussions, so that the implementation will now take place in a next renovation phase.

Optional referendum: 19 August to 27 September 2024

The city council has approved an extraordinary loan of CHF 880,000 from the investment budget for the implementation of these construction measures. This will now be subject to an optional referendum from August 19 to September 27, 2024.

The documents can be viewed during the referendum period in the town hall at the town chancellery, St. Gallerstrasse 40, Jona, during normal opening hours or by making an appointment by telephone.



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