Credit cards enhance the profits of “Citigroup” and start suffering borrowers

2023-07-14 19:57:47

“Amid challenging macroeconomic conditions, we have continued to reap the benefits of our diversified business model,” said the bank’s chief executive, Jane Fraser, in a statement. Although trading clients did not participate, credit card activity increased by more than 10% thanks to strong demand.

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The Liquidity and Trading Solutions division, which Fraser described as the company’s “crown jewel”, saw revenue jump 15% to $3.5 billion, and revenue from Securities Services, which provides depository and collateral management services, increased 15%.

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Total revenue fell 1% to $19.4 billion, in line with analysts’ median forecast of $19.3 billion. This, combined with higher expenses and credit costs, resulted in net income falling 36% to $2.9 billion.

The rate of return on tangible common stock, a key measure of profitability, fell to just 6.4%, compared with a decline of 25% at rival JPMorgan and 13.7% at Wells Fargo, which reported second-quarter results earlier in the year. Friday.

However, Fraser emphasized the bank’s revenue targets in the medium term. The bank said it aims to achieve returns between 11% and 12%.

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