Credit card purchases: the important government announcement

The program now 12 of financing the purchase of goods and services with credit card which includes 30 items of products and services produced and marketed with Argentine labor will be renewed as of this Friday.

Launched in September 2014, the program aims to promote the consumption of nationally produced goods and services, through the realization of purchases with credit card, in 3, 6, 12, 18 and 24 installments and at a lower rate than mercado.

The program runs seven days a week and all products and services can be purchased through online shop and in the affiliated premises of the whole countrywhich must display the official logo for the knowledge of consumers.

Among the most important items included in the program are appliances, home appliances, computers, notebooks y tabletsmattresses, furniture, materials and tools for the building, bicyclesclothing and footwear.

With 24.9 million purchases, the program registered operations for $411,677 million from January to April with an average ticket of $17,585; and, among the best-selling items, are clothing, appliances and construction materials.

Through resolution 490/2022, signed by the secretary of domestic trade Guillermo Hang, it was decided ten days ago that the Annual Nominal Rate (TNA) for payments in 3, 6 and 12 installments fixed installments is 42%, while for 18 and 24 fixed installments it represents 49%.

This adaptation responds to the growth that the Program Now 12 and in view of its sustainability according to the recent evolution of the monetary policy rates of the Central Bank of the Argentine Republic (BCRA) and the politics of National state of tending to the harmonization of interest rates, it was clarified.



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