Credit-based driving licence mandatory from 1st October

Clarifications from Confartigianato Imprese for sending the replacement self-certification. A webinar tomorrow

Important regulatory change regarding the introduction of the credit-based driving license, which with the circular (attached) of the National Labor Inspectorate issued yesterday evening, September 23, becomes fully operational.
Starting from 1 October 2024, “companies and self-employed workers who operate in temporary or mobile construction sites, with the exception of those who merely provide supplies or services of an intellectual nature” are required to possess a driving licence.
The subjects required to possess the license are companies – not necessarily classifiable as construction companies – and self-employed workers who operate “physically” on construction sites.
It is recommended to verify that you meet the indicated requirements and send the self-certification via PEC by 1 October 2024.

The portal to submit the application for release will be operational only from October 1st and the instructions for making the request will be indicated with a specific technical note to be issued soon; but it is already possible to submit, using the attached form, a self-certification/substitute declaration concerning the possession of the required requisites. The self-certification/substitute declaration must be sent, via PEC, to the address

It should be noted that the transmission of the self-certification/substitute declaration sent via PEC is effective until 31 October 2024 and obliges the operator to submit the application for the issuing of the license through the National Labour Inspectorate portal by the same date.
Starting from November 1st, it will not be possible to operate on the construction site by virtue of the transmission of the self-certification/substitute declaration via PEC, as it is essential to have made the request for the issue of the license via the portal.

Tomorrow, Wednesday 25 September at 11.30, a webinar on the topic is scheduled to give the latest indications, other moments of in-depth analysis will be held in the future.

As soon as INL has issued operating instructions regarding the submission of the license request on the Portal, a specific service will be available for companies wishing to request the license through Confartigianato Imprese Vicenza.
In the meantime, however, it is necessary to send the self-certification in order to be able to operate from 1 October.



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