CREDIFUTURO BDT 2024: How to ACCESS the new financing? +GUIDE

CREDIFUTURO BDT 2024: How to ACCESS the new financing? +GUIDE. Find out here all the details of this new financing of the Digital Bank of Workers 2024.

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CREDIFUTURO BDT 2024: How to ACCESS the new financing? +GUIDE

Credifuturo is part of the new financing of the Digital Bank of Workers available to legal entities.

Through the website of this entity, you can consult all the requirements necessary to carry out this request successfully and with all the security parameters.

However, in Diary 2001We collect all the information about this financial instrument so that those who wish to make the request can do so effectively under the regulations and conditions stipulated by the banking entity.

In this sense, this financing is aimed at citizens who carry out activities or have an entrepreneurial spirit in the marketing, provision of services, transformation and industrial, agricultural or artisanal production of goods, which constitutes the generation of income.

This method allows a series of benefits for people who wish to generate a positive credit history and carry out short- to long-term business activities.

Features of BDT’s Credifuturo

  • Addressed to Venezuelan legal persons or foreigners who are residents and of legal age.
  • It has a short-term credit model of installments/loans.
  • The client will have personalized advice.
  • Legal Entities must have a total number of no more than 10 workers or generate annual sales of up to 9,000.00 Tax Units.
  • Interest rate and commissions established by the Central Bank of Venezuela (BCV).
  • Installment payments must be expressed in Credit Value Units (UVC) measured according to the Investment Index (IDI) in force and published on the BCV website.

Likewise, a series of documents must be submitted to the selected office in order to successfully obtain the loan, so it is important to read them carefully to process each requirement demanded by the banking entity.

Requirements required by the BDT

  • Registered constitutive document and its latest legal modifications.
  • Tax Information Registry (RIF) of the company, shareholders and legal representatives.
  • Identity card of each of the parties mentioned above.
  • Account statements and credits for the last three months.
  • Budget of the asset to be acquired with financing, this document must have the RIF, local telephone number and signature of the company that issues it.
  • Current trial balance signed by an independent public accountant or goodwill with a wet seal.
  • Balance sheet and historical income statement for the last three fiscal years, audited and signed by a public accountant or business fund with their respective explanatory notes and signed (Applicable for CrediFuturo III).
  • Value Added Tax (VAT) Declaration.
  • Photocopy of the Income Tax Return (ISLR) and Electronic Certificate of receipt of return via the Internet for the last financial year.
  • National Registry of Enterprises (RNE) Certificate.
  • Copy of the RIF of the Business registered in the Entrepreneurship Together System.
  • Photographic support of social media applications such as Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. (If you do not have one, the bank will record the activities.

CREDIFUTURO BDT 2024: How to ACCESS the new financing? +GUIDE

2024-08-20 11:29:52



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