After related rumors last month, the TikTok launched the feature “Series”which allows creators to publish collections up to 80 videos of up to 20 minutes under a kind of paywall.
To access the contents, followers will need to pay an amount to be freely defined by the creators, which can be done through a direct link or through the profile of the influencers.
The resource thus offers double the maximum duration of videos compared to those that can be posted conventionally, outside the “Series”. It is worth remembering that the rules of use will still apply to what is posted in the collections, which will keep away those thinking of using the novelty to sell adult content.
To the TechCrunch, the company stated that, initially, it will fully transfer the value to the creators, only discounting the applicable fees. In the future, however, the social network will keep a portion of the amount charged to users to access the content, although it did not specify how much this commission would be.
Initially, the feature is only available to select creators. In the coming months, others will be able to request access to the feature. In the meantime, TikTok will use feedback from those using the “Series” to improve the function until there is widespread access.
It is worth remembering that this is not exactly an original idea from TikTok. O Instagram already tested a similar feature, which involved a subscription to access exclusive content from creators. Remuneration for people who dedicate themselves to publishing photos and videos on networks has been a challenge for these companies, with complaints and pressure for values to increase.