Creative Revelations: Zita Bružaitė’s Stunning Artwork Shines at the Jakūbos Festival

Since 2011 organized festival returns to its “home” every autumn – Vilnius St. the Church of the Apostles Philip and Jacob and other concert spaces.

The festival originated from the joint initiative of the “Vilnius” choir and the Dominican brothers to get closer to people through choral art. This partnership has been going on for 14 years, the festival’s reputation has grown and reached an international level, and the sacred music played during the festival can reach everyone who wants to (festival events in churches are free of charge).

Buen Camino! – world premiere

Throughout its existence, the festival pays a lot of attention to contemporary Lithuanian music and the work of Lithuanian composers. It has become a beautiful tradition to mark the beginning of each festival with a premiere by a Lithuanian composer dedicated to the festival.

The most important highlight of this year’s festival will be the world premiere, “Buen Camino!”, commissioned by the choir “Vilnius” and the festival. Its author, composer Zita Bružaitė, when asked how this work was born, first of all rejoiced at St. The position of the Jacobus Festival in relation to Lithuanian authors.

“As I observe St. Jacob’s Festival, the content of its programs, I can clearly see that every year the premiere of a Lithuanian author is included. In this, I see a very meaningful activity of the leaders of the “Vilnius” choir – consistent attention to national music. Choir “Vilnius” not only commissions a new work for the festival and performs it, but also accumulates the baggage of the Lithuanian repertoire, later performs those works in other concerts, and gives dissemination to the work of Lithuanian authors.”

Composer Zita Bružaitė has a long-standing creative friendship with the “Vilniaus” choir: “The choir is my creative friend, who has performed a lot of my music before.” According to the author, when she started thinking about a new opus for the festival, the first thought that came to mind was a visual one – Saint James, the Apostle’s Tomb , Camino de Santiago.

“Europe was created on the basis of a pilgrimage” (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe) – this thought of the German literary classic became fixed idea for a new choral piece. “Buen Camino!” (“Good way!”), a five-part work by composer Zita Bružaitė for soloists, instrumental ensemble and choir, is close to the choral suite genre.

“Buen Camino!” signifies the greeting of pilgrims, but for the author of the musical idea of ​​this piece, the daily journey on the path of faith is important: “however geographically, mentally we travel, or travelers pass by us – we keep walking in a circle, where everything repeats itself.”

The world premiere of Z. Bružaitė’s work “Buen Camino!” will take place on September 14, 18.00, at St. Joseph’s Church in Vilnius. It will be performed by the state choir “Vilnius” (artistic director and chief conductor Artūras Dambrauskas), Čiurlionis Quartet, Gunta Gelgotė (soprano), Žygimantas Galinis (bass), Robertas Beinaris (oboe), Giedrius Labanauskas (flugelhorn), Tomas Kulikauskas (percussion). , Vincenzo De Martino (organ). Artūras Dambrauskas will conduct.

Original programs and special artists

St. During the Jacob’s Festival, from September 14 to October 30, 12 concerts will be held in Vilnius, Onuški, Panevėžys, and Alytus. The festival’s program is extremely wide-ranging, from baroque to popular classics, from romanticism to contemporary, modern music opus; choral, vocal, instrumental music will be played, well-known Lithuanian music names and those just starting their music careers will participate.

September 18, St. A concert dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the “Musica Humana” ensemble (artistic director and conductor Robertas Beinaris) will take place in the Church of the Apostles Philip and Jacob. The concert program will feature the music of A. Vivaldi.

September 25 there we will also be able to hear the voices of the students of the Singing Department of the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theater.

September 28 the Vilnius city municipality choir “Jauna muzika”, artistic director and conductor Vaclov Augustinas will invite to the concert. The choir will perform the works of today’s famous Swiss composer Ivo Antognini.

September 29 The State Choir “Vilnius”, artistic director and conductor Artūras Dambrauskas will invite to the concert of Lithuanian composers’ works “Cantus in 5D”. The program includes works by Gintaras Samson, Algirdas Martinaitis, Mantautas Krukauskas, Arūnas Navaks, David Ed Kukta.

A complex and versatile program on October 5, St. Joseph’s Church in Vilnius will be presented by Šiauliai Boys and Youth Choir “Dagilėlis”, conductor Remigijus Adomaitis. A. Bruckner, A. Vivaldi, C. Franck, K. Jenkins and others will sound. works.

Concert of the state choir “Vilnius” and organist Renata Marcinkutė-Lesieur in Vilnius St. It will take place in Casimir’s Church on October 22. In the program, Gabriel Fauré’s “Requiem” for organ and mixed choir.

Festival guests

Every year, guests from abroad supplement the festival with original programs. Three choirs are coming this year: the choir of the Latvian National Armed Forces “Stars”, the mixed choir “Daugava” (Latvia) and the choir of the Hartberg Sacred Music Society (Austria).

September 29, Vilnius St. The “Stars” concert of the Latvian National Armed Forces Choir, conducted by Ārijs Šķepasts, will take place in Kazimierz Church. Choir of the National Guard of the Republic of Latvia “Stars” was established in 2012. the initiative of choir professional, conductor Ārijs Šķepasts.

The choir performs a lot, and especially likes Latvian church spaces. “Stars” participates in festivals not only in Latvia, but also abroad, the choir’s repertoire includes large-scale choral works, sacred music, choral works of Latvian composers.

The collective regularly participates in national events, organizes concerts with the Latvian National Guard Orchestra in the most famous concert halls of Latvia, and also performs original music compositions and popular music. Choir artistic director and conductor Ārijs Šķepasts is artistic director and conductor of several choirs, pedagogue, professional choir singer – he sang in the prestigious Latvian Radio Choir for twenty years.

Ā.Šķepasts is a recognized composer and arranger of Latvian folk songs, his arranged songs are included in the repertoire of Latvian song festivals. At the concert in Vilnius, the choir will perform a diverse program – from H. Purcel to A. Bruckner, from A. Škepasts to V. Miškinis.

Choir from Latvia “Daugava” is one of the leaders of choral culture in Latvia. It was founded by Stanislavs Broks (1926-1977) in 1956. Since 1996, the conductor of the choir is Jevgenijs Ustinskovs. The choir performs very active concert activities, tours extensively in the capitals and towns of France, Hungary, Germany, Poland, Austria, the Netherlands, Great Britain, Spain, and Italy.

The choir’s repertoire includes works of various styles, from Renaissance to contemporary aleatorics. The concert of guests from Latvia will take place on October 12 in St. Joseph’s Church in Vilnius. Together with the choir, soloists Katažina Dudareva (soprano) and Maksis Krilovs (bass) will participate in the program. In the concert program WA Mozart, R. Wagner and others. works. Conductors – J. Ustinskovs, A. Lapinska, A. Saveljevs.

Two concerts will be organized by a guest from Austria – the choir of the Hartberg Sacred Music Society (Kirchenmusikverein Hartberg), artistic director and director. conductor Johannes Steinwender. This choir of St. Fans of Jakūbos Festival already know and remember their impressive program in 2017. at the festival. The Hartberg Sacred Music Society, founded in 1966, has been a major contributor to Hartberg’s cultural life for fifty-eight years. Intensive study and rehearsals result in excellent performances (including collaborations with the best national and international orchestras), CD and DVD recordings, and a reputation as a high-level amateur choir.

Choir of the Hartenberg Sacred Music Society on October 27. the concert will be held in Alytus by St. in the Church of the Christian Help of the Virgin Mary, and on October 29 – Vilnius St. Kazimierz Church. In both concerts, the choir will perform a program of choral music by Austrian and German composers.

Grand closing

International St. Jacob’s festival will open on October 30. with the final concert at the Lithuanian National Philharmonic. Approaching All Souls’ Day and ending another great journey of the festival, the concert will feature two special pieces: A. Bruckner’s “Requiem” and Fr. Schubert’s Mass in G major. Mature groups of professionals will unite on the stage of the Lithuanian National Philharmonic: the Lithuanian Chamber Orchestra, artistic director and conductor Sergejus Krylovas, and the Vilnius State Choir, artistic director and conductor Artūras Dambrauskas. Together with them on stage are soloists Aistė Pilibavičiūtė (soprano), Jovita Vaškevičiūtė (mezzo-soprano), Edmundas Seilius (tenor), Žygymantas Galinis (bass) and Vincenzo De Martino (organ).

St. The sacred music spread by the St. James’s Festival reveals its many colors and forms, opens up the sound qualities and beauty of Lithuanian church spaces, nurtures and unites a strong community traveling along paths with the spirit of pilgrimage – straight and wide, winding and narrow or difficult to reach.

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#premiere #Zita #Bružaitės #work #Jakūbos #Festival #Culture
2024-09-11 09:06:24

International choir festival 2024

St.⁣ Jacob’s⁣ Festival: A Celebration of Choral Music and‍ Pilgrimage

Every autumn, the Church of ‍the ‍Apostles Philip and Jacob in Vilnius, Lithuania, comes alive with the sounds of choral⁢ music, as the St. Jacob’s Festival⁣ returns to its “home” after‍ a‌ year-long hiatus. This year’s festival, taking‌ place from September 14 to October 30, promises to be an unforgettable experience, with a‌ diverse range of concerts and performances that showcase the rich ⁣cultural heritage of Lithuania.

Buen Camino! ⁢- A World Premiere

The festival’s highlight⁤ will be the world premiere of “Buen Camino!”, a five-part work by composer Zita​ Bružaitė, commissioned by the “Vilnius”⁢ choir and the festival. This⁢ choral ‍piece,​ close to the⁣ suite genre, signifies the greeting of pilgrims and explores the theme of⁢ pilgrimage and faith. The world premiere will take place on September ‍14 at St. Joseph’s Church in Vilnius, featuring the state ​choir‌ “Vilnius”, Čiurlionis Quartet, and other ​renowned musicians.

Original Programs and‍ Special ⁢Artists

The ⁤festival’s program is ‌extremely wide-ranging, with 12 concerts scheduled in Vilnius, Onuški, Panevėžys, and Alytus. The concerts will feature a diverse range of music,​ from ‍baroque⁤ to popular ⁤classics, ⁤romanticism to ​contemporary, and modern music opus. Well-known Lithuanian music names, as well ​as up-and-coming artists, will participate in the festival.

Some of the⁣ highlights of ‌the festival include a⁣ concert dedicated to the 50th anniversary ⁢of the “Musica Humana” ensemble on September 18, featuring the music of A. Vivaldi, at the Church of the Apostles Philip and Jacob. On⁣ September 25, ⁤the students of the ‍Singing Department of the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theater will take the stage, followed⁢ by a concert by the Vilnius city ‍municipality choir “Jauna muzika” on September 28, performing the works of Swiss composer​ Ivo Antognini.

On September 29, the State Choir “Vilnius”⁤ will present ‍a concert of Lithuanian composers’ works, “Cantus in 5D”, featuring works by Gintaras Samson, Algirdas Martinaitis, Mantautas Krukauskas, Arūnas Navaks, and David Ed Kukta.⁣ on October 5, ⁢the Šiauliai Boys⁤ and Youth Choir “Dagilėlis” ⁢will⁤ present a complex‍ and versatile ⁤program at St. Joseph’s ⁢Church in Vilnius.

The Church of the Apostles Philip⁤ and Jacob

The Church of⁢ the ‍Apostles Philip and Jacob, built ​in 1642, is‍ a significant cultural and ​historical landmark in Vilnius ‍ [[1]]. ⁢The church, constructed⁤ of ​wood, is located in⁣ the‌ suburb⁢ of Lukiskes and⁤ is ⁤home to the Dominican monastery. This beautiful church,⁣ with its rich history and stunning architecture, provides the perfect setting for the St. Jacob’s Festival.

Carillon Festival and More

In addition to the St. Jacob’s Festival, Vilnius​ will also host the Carillon Festival 2024,‍ featuring concerts at the Church of ⁤St. ​Philip and‍ St. Jacob ⁤ [[3]]. This⁤ festival promises to⁢ be an ⁢unforgettable experience, with free admission to all events.

The St. Jacob’s Festival is an testament to the⁢ enduring ​power‌ of choral music and⁢ the importance of pilgrimage in our lives. With its rich cultural‌ heritage ⁣and stunning⁢ architecture, Vilnius​ provides the perfect setting for this festival, which is sure to inspire and uplift ⁣all who attend.


<a href="https://city

International Choir Competition 2024

St. Jacobs Festival: A Celebration of Choral Music and Community

The St. Jacobs Festival is an annual celebration of choral



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