Creation of the National Cybersecurity Council published in the Official Gazette

The creation of the National Council of Cybersecuritywas published in the Official Gazette. The order establishes an advisory and consultative body, under the authority of the head of state, for the prevention of “illegal uses of information and communication technologies.”

Decree No. 4,975, published in Official Gazette No. 42,939, dated August 12, 2024, responds to the “cyber attacks” that the country suffered in the electoral context and that affected key sectors such as the oil industry, electricity supply and electoral processes.

Functions of the Cybersecurity Council

He National Cybersecurity Council One of its main functions is to create a network of constant monitoring of cyber incidents, to prevent, mitigate and manage cyber crimes more effectively. The agency may request information from public and private entities for this purpose.

Key objectives of the Council:

  • Cyberspace is considered to be of public and strategic interest, requiring security, administration and control policies to ensure the sovereignty and stability of the country.
  • A 24-hour surveillance network for cyber incidents will be established, linked to regional networks to combat cross-border cybercrime.
  • The Council may request data, statistics and information related to the nation’s computer security from public and private entities.
  • Cybersecurity training programmes will be promoted and the creation of specialised teams in the public and private sectors will be encouraged.
  • It will promote investments to strengthen the State’s telematics infrastructure.
  • Suggest regulations, laws and rules aimed at preventing the criminal use of information and communication technologies (ICT).
  • Create inter-institutional working and emergency committees to prevent the criminal use of ICTs.

|| With information from El Impulso

#Creation #National #Cybersecurity #Council #published #Official #Gazette
2024-08-26 10:36:09



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