2023-10-31 21:09:30
The ambition of this call for projects is to make places welcoming young people – and in particular schools, middle schools, high schools and universities – places which tend towards an objective of reduction, or even elimination of exposure to factors of preventable risk of cancer. It’s regarding making these places:
Protective places, promoting good health, and conducive to cancer prevention, by limiting as much as possible exposure to cancer risk factors (sedentary lifestyle, overweight and obesity, UV rays, and various sources of carcinogenic pollution, such as fine particles, radon, endocrine disruptors, pesticides, etc.) Firstly, the Territorial Communities, which own schools, colleges and high schools, have levers to act on the quality of buildings and, in general, school infrastructure. They are also able to fully mobilize their skills, particularly in terms of territorial planning, transport and mobility, management of collective spaces and infrastructures, or even administrative policing, to develop, in the face of schools, spaces conducive to cancer prevention. For example, this might involve developing and evaluating the establishment of car-free spaces or even tobacco-free spaces around schools, but also carrying out development interventions that promote mobility. gentle or practicing regular physical activity.
An environment conducive to the deployment of health promotion interventions, to guarantee appropriation of spaces and infrastructure. The objective here is to make the school the place conducive to the appropriation of infrastructures and spaces by all, thus supporting changes in individual behavior as best as possible. All avoidable cancer risk factors that may, in this way, be affected.
It is regarding making places welcoming young people and their surroundings empowering environments, giving everyone the power to act from the point of view of health promotion and cancer prevention.
Deadline for submission of files to the National Cancer Institute: February 6, 2024 4 p.m.
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Access to submission open from November 15, 2023
NB: This call for projects is part of a global approach by the National Cancer Institute, aiming to support Territorial Communities wishing to structure a local policy allowing collective action on risk factors and health determinants. The document mentioned above and entitled “Examples of actions and additional resources to respond to the AAP 0 exposure” is made available to local stakeholders by the National Cancer Institute. This document is not enforceable. It provides examples of actions identified by the National Cancer Institute to help project leaders respond to the 2023 call for projects. Project leaders are, however, free to propose actions that are not listed in this document. .
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