Creating Healthy Mental Habits: Navigating Mental Loops and Catastrophic Thoughts for Optimal Well-being

2023-08-14 08:56:53

“How many times do we find ourselves involved in mental loops endless, in catastrophic thoughts which, most likely, will never come true?” asks the expert coach in NLP Sol Aguirre. He mind training is as important as the training of the body if we want to move towards the welfare complete. It was also recommended to us psychologist Belén Colomina a few weeks ago: “We are used to resetting our computers to update them, however, we do not do the same with our mind. We do not stop to clean it, to detoxify it… It is an educational problem for the whole of society: we have not learned to give ourselves realize that live in noise mode o multistimulus is not healthy”. That is, that a fit mind it is a mind accustomed to choosing what it stays with.

What eats your mind?

Choose with whom you relate to to get closer to what inspires and motivates you.

Our psychology also feeds on ideas we consume and the thoughts we generate . If these ideas are unhealthy, they hurt us, they “inflame” our internal dialogue and that can even affect our longevity. We consume them daily through the media, social networks and society in general. Both experts agree that creating healthy mental habits is key to mental health. Sol Aguirre, author of the blog the treble clefsexplains it this way in his account Instagram: to prevent our mind from dragging us towards what we fear, instead of what we want, it is very important create habits through repetition. Only then will we be able to create a healthy mental pattern. “And it is that healthy habits are not limited to food and sports, but have to do with all that we absorb and pay attention to. Wherever we place our attentionLet’s go.”

A habit to keep the mind clean of negative thoughts

If you already pay attention to what feeds your body, it’s about doing the same with what you feed your mindthat is to say, “become the mistress of everything that your senses and choose what contributes and nourishes you, what inspire you“. How? To focus on constructive things that benefit you and enrich you mentally, Sol Aquirre recommends a simple habit: “create a solid filter against the destructive and ugly“. For example, he explains, stay away from “critical people, pessimists, ill-thought-outthose interested, the envious…” If possible, avoid leaving them and, if it is impossible, “change the conversation when they start their dark stuff.” Another source negative thoughts and catastrophists are “the media sensationalists”, explains Sol. And he recommends: “select with intention what news you see, who do you follow on the networkswhat do you listen to on the radio, what media do you read…” Our mood fluctuates with our thoughts. catastrophic thoughtsmore fear and more insecurity.

#habit #Sol #Aguirre #proposes #minimize #negative #thoughts

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