Create your gaming desk in 5 easy steps – Breakflip

The aesthetics of a gaming desk is very important and gives a youthful look to a room. Here are some 5 tips in the form of a guide to setting up your own gaming desk.

Step 1: Choose the perfect gaming desk

Le desk chair is the epicenter of the installation, so here are some tips:

  • Pay attention to the depth of the table: the smaller it is, the closer the components are to your eyes. This means you have to choose a much smaller screen due to the distance between your eyes and less comfort with the keyboard and mouse.
  • Simplicity usually trumps complexity. A simple desk with no drawers or anything else is usually much nicer and more customizable.
  • It is essential to buy a quality gaming desk and chair.
  • The ideal is to buy power strips and install them under the table to pass the cables. Gamer desks offer this possibility without having to do any DIY.

Step 2: Measure your future gaming desk

Grab a good tape measure and start measuring the length and width of the room to find out what you can. Don’t let having a small place get you down because there are always options to simplify the rooms.

After measuring, we advise you to consider 2 things:

  • Power outlets. Unless you want to call an electrician to run cables and install more outlets, having one near the desk is ideal. Only one is enough because you can put a power strip to provide a socket for several others.
  • Antenna and router. Most of you will set up a setup with a LAN cable to take advantage of all the internet speed your connection gives you. On the other hand, if you plan to install a television, take this into account for the antenna socket (if you plan to use TNT or cable channels).

Step 3: Get mood lighting

Although ambient lighting is supportive, it can be counterproductive to a gaming experience, why? Due to the brightness on the screens: it creates reflections and spoils the experience.

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If you have a window, you can install a dark blind that will allow you to regulate the entry or block out light. It is recommended low and colored lighting to avoid optical damage during long sessions or spectral deviations that force you to strain our eyes.

Step 4: Choose your game setup

Each will have a different setup in mind, such as the whole room centered around the main setup or, say, a room with a sofa, setup, and a large TV to watch your movies in peace.

Others will rather think of a games room, and not just for video games: table football, billiards, cockpit for simulation games, etc.

Step 5: make the most of the walls

To set up a gamer office, the walls are essential and you can decorate them in various ways. The norm is a white wall and the addition of decorative elements like:

  • A strip of LEDs
  • cinema decoration
  • video game decoration
  • A neon decoration

You now have all the elements in hand to create your gaming desk according to your wishes.

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