Crazy because of price cuts! Redmi K60 512GB has been restocked: the configuration cannot find the second one in the same gear – yqqlm

Crazy because of price cuts! Redmi K60 512GB has been replenished: the configuration cannot find the second model in the same gear

According to today’s news, Xiaomi Jingdong’s self-operated store shows that the Redmi K60 Qingxue has been replenished, and now the order can be delivered on Monday.The 512GB version is priced at 2,999 yuan.

Previously, Redmi announced that the K60 512GB version will be reduced by 300 yuan, and the price of 12GB+512GB is 2999 yuan. As soon as the news came out,The K60 512GB version set off a wave of hot sales, and the Qingxue color scheme was once sold out. At that time,’s self-operated store displayed “purchasing”.

Now users can place an order to start K60 Qingxue color matching, which is the only pure white mobile phone of K60.In addition, there are also colors such as ink feather, plain blue and Youmang to choose from.

In the price range of 2999 yuan,Redmi K60 also has a 2K screen, Snapdragon 8+ chip and 512GB large-capacity storagethis configuration is unique and extremely competitive.

In addition, the K60 is equipped with a berserk engine and built-in FEAS2.2 self-developed intelligent frame stabilization technology, which can intelligently judge the operating status within milliseconds and optimize computing power consumption frame by frame. at the same time,The Redmi K60 has a built-in 5000 square millimeter giant liquid-cooled VC, which can be called a cooling master. It adopts a new generation of gaming-grade stainless steel VC. The area has reached the peak of Redmi’s history. It also has 17 layers of three-dimensional heat dissipation space, which can easily stabilize the violent performance and keep the long-term battle without pressure.

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Finally, I have to mention that the Redmi K60 also supports 30W wireless flash charging. This is Redmi’s first mobile phone that supports wireless charging. In order to popularize wireless fast charging, the K60 is compatible with most new energy models, which is convenient for car owners to charge wirelessly anytime, anywhere.

Crazy because of price cuts! Redmi K60 512GB has been replenished: the configuration cannot find the second model in the same gear

Purchase link:Jingdong (2999 yuan)

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Editor in charge: Zhenting

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