Crafting Your Digital Legacy: How Your Online Presence Shapes Tailored Offers Just for You

“Through data analytics, we are enabling people to have a personalized life experience around the world,” says Dr. Jorge Samayoa, director of the Galileo University Operations Research Institute.

Samayoa explains that there are multiple platforms for acquiring information and this is added to different specialist roles that arise according to the needs of each field. “We all generate data all the time, professionals who are trained in how to do it learn to deal with programming languages ​​and other knowledge that allows them to extract that information,” he says.

All this data is transformed into information from which different industries and businesses make decisions to offer solutions that respond to the current market.

In 2019, Tecmart, a Prensa Libre group company, created the Goo platform, a technology capable of integrating and analyzing information from up to 750 sources or platforms such as Meta, TikTok, websites and others that allow the generation of guides with recommendations to apply to marketing strategies and multiply the results.

It is possible to explore predictive guides to improve results, personalized brand information, structure the audience with exact data, locations where the target audience is, among other details.

This is how brands learn about their customers’ habits and preferences and create personalized products, services and experiences.

Valeria Navarro, head of technology at Prensa Libre, explains that Goo is a technology dedicated to marketing and decision-making. “Before, what we know today as data science was done with administrative or sales data, but one of the realities is that today we know that marketing is what allows us to boost sales, a need that arose a few years ago in Latin America,” she explains.

Goo is a product created by Guatemalan talent that creates metrics and indicators based on the team’s experience to determine whether a brand needs to make adjustments to its strategy to generate more customers or attract new audiences. New products are launched every quarter based on understanding how the industry is moving.

Goo is a platform that takes part of the information generated daily in the world and that could help to better understand users. (Photo Prensa Libre: Goo)

Claro Guatemala is another company that has also integrated a unit dedicated to data analysis based on cellular mobility. “We adhere to European data legislation, with a privacy issue in user protection information, this allows us to make decisions in a better way,” says Álvaro Valdeavellano Muñoz, general sales director and regional manager of Claro media.

In the digital world

The company currently has more than 20 million mobile line users in Central America and the information is collected through antennas located in towers in different parts of the country. It is estimated that a telephone user carries out around 400 events a day on average, i.e. calls, writing messages, viewing a social network, checking a notification, among others.

Valdeavellano explains that we don’t know exactly where the person is because we don’t work with a global positioning system, GPS, but we do have general details about the users and what happens in the tower they connect to, which covers a sector. For example, we have the hours of greatest connectivity and movement between towers. “We leave a trail like the story of Hansel and Gretel who left stones or crumbs in their path and in this way each user leaves their information,” he explains.

“For example, telephone connectivity data allows shopping malls or concert venues to hire this service and know exactly how many people are arriving at the location, where they come from, as well as how long they stay,” adds the regional manager.

Valdeavellano emphasizes that these surveys can also be done in towns. Antigua Guatemala, for example, conducted a survey that determined that tourists from Mexico, El Salvador, and Costa Rica are the ones who visit this town the most for the end-of-year festivities. “The user’s behavior and data consumption are usually determined by sex, age, and socioeconomic level,” says the expert, who adds that it is not possible to know who is behind each phone, but only their behavior without seeing what they are doing, but if, for example, the time spent on Facebook, Tinder, or other applications is monitored.

“We leave our mark, just like in the story of Hansel and Gretel, who left stones or crumbs in their path, and in this way each user provides their information,” he explains.

With these details, they offer us useful services, which have a greater impact. And they use this information in marketing strategies, to open commercial premises, tourism and other commercial aspects.

The specialist shares that this has led to obtaining data such as highlighting that zone 1 of Guatemala is the main work destination in the city where nearly 1.1 million people were detected, or that in Costa Rica the classic match between Saprissa and Alajualense was attended by 17,304 people, of which 53% were men and 47% women, among other details that can be seen in the graph.

A survey at the Ricardo Saprissa stadium in Costa Rica shows how mobile data is used through the behavior of attendees. (Photo Prensa Libre: Data Analytics Department of Claro Empresas Guatemala)

Regarding how far data analytics could go, Samayoa explains that it continues to evolve, “before we used USB drives and carried them everywhere, today almost everything is uploaded to the cloud, in the same way data analytics is advancing and it could be that technology will allow us to store information in a hair or have the opportunity to have systems integrated into our body,” says Samayoa. In conclusion, he adds that careers related to these topics have a lot of work for now.

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Harnessing Data Analytics for a Personalized Experience: Insights from ‌Industry⁣ Leaders

In today’s fast-paced‍ digital landscape, data analytics has emerged as a crucial tool for businesses aiming to provide personalized ​life experiences to ​their⁣ customers. According‌ to Dr. Jorge Samayoa, the director of Galileo‌ University Operations Research Institute, the​ integration of advanced analytics enables a deeper understanding of market‌ behavior, ultimately leading ⁢to ‍tailored⁣ solutions that meet the⁤ specific needs of consumers. This article explores how leading⁣ companies in Latin America are leveraging data analytics to enhance marketing⁣ strategies, boost⁣ sales, and improve customer satisfaction.

The Rise of Data Analytics

Data is⁢ generated every⁢ second by individuals and businesses alike, ⁢forming an invaluable ‌resource for companies. Professionals with ⁣expertise in data science are trained to sift through this ocean of information using programming languages and analytical skills to extract meaningful insights. This process⁢ of transforming raw⁢ data into actionable information is pivotal for ⁤businesses across various industries, from marketing to customer services.

The Goo Platform: Transforming Marketing Efforts

A significant advancement in data analytics comes from Tecmart, part of the⁤ Prensa Libre group, with the launch of the Goo platform in ‍2019. This innovative technology seamlessly integrates and analyzes data from up to 750 different sources, including popular platforms like Meta and⁢ TikTok. Goo enables businesses to create comprehensive marketing strategies through predictive guides that deliver insights into customer behavior.

Valeria Navarro, head of technology at Prensa Libre, emphasizes the importance of this platform. Goo not only enhances the understanding of audience demographics but also helps‍ brands learn about their customers’ preferences ​and habits. This knowledge allows companies to craft personalized products,‍ services, and experiences, thereby ⁣ensuring customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Claro Guatemala: Utilizing Cellular Mobility Data

Claro Guatemala, a prominent telecommunication ​company, has established a⁢ dedicated unit focused on data analytics, primarily utilizing⁣ cellular‍ mobility data. With ​over 20 million mobile users in Central America, Claro collects anonymized information through its‌ cellular towers, allowing them to analyze patterns in​ user behavior without compromising privacy.

Alvaro Valdeavellano Muñoz, Claro’s general sales director, notes that while they do‌ not track individuals ⁢precisely through GPS, the data collected provides valuable​ insights into general connectivity trends, peak usage times, ​and user movement across ‍critical locations. This information⁣ empowers businesses, from shopping malls ‍to concert venues, to optimize their operations and ⁢marketing strategies based on real-time analytics of user movement and preferences.

The Power of Predictive Analytics

The ⁣practical applications of data analytics extend beyond merely ‍understanding current consumer behavior; they dwell in predicting future trends. For example, data collected through Claro’s telecommunications services indicated that major events significantly impact regional activities, allowing​ businesses to plan accordingly. ⁢By analyzing data from⁢ events like ‌concerts, Claro provided insights into attendee demographics and​ behaviors, thereby informing marketing strategies and operational logistics.

Privacy and Ethics⁣ in Data Analytics

As data analytics continues to evolve, issues surrounding data privacy and consumer protection emerge prominently. ⁤Dr. Samayoa emphasizes that adherence to ethical guidelines and regulations is essential to ‌maintain user trust.⁣ Both Tecmart and Claro‌ adhere strictly to privacy laws, ‌focusing on responsible data ⁤handling to enhance operational efficiency‍ while safeguarding consumer ​interests.

The⁣ Future of Data Analytics

Looking ahead, the potential for ‌data analytics is immense. As technology continues to advance, innovative methods for data storage and analysis will emerge, ⁢possibly leading to even more refined personal experiences for consumers. As Dr.‍ Samayoa suggests, the future might hold the development of​ revolutionary storage solutions that could integrate data ‌in profoundly new ‌ways.


Data analytics is​ transforming the landscape of how businesses interact with their customers. Through platforms​ like Goo and the comprehensive mobile data strategies employed by companies⁣ like Claro Guatemala, brands are gaining crucial insights into consumer⁢ behavior, preferences, and market ⁢dynamics. ‌As the demand⁣ for personalized experiences grows, the role of data analytics⁢ will undoubtedly become‍ even more ⁤central to⁢ business strategies across all industries.

Optimize Your Marketing Strategy with Data Analytics

Incorporating data analytics into your marketing strategy can revolutionize how you interact ‍with your‌ audience. By ‍embracing tools and platforms ‌like Goo or leveraging cellular data insights, your ⁤business can tailor offerings to meet‌ specific customer needs, ultimately⁢ driving ​growth and enhancing ⁤customer loyalty. Start exploring the power of ‌data analytics today to stay ahead in ​the competitive ⁢marketplace!



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