Cracking Down on Illegal Money Laundering and Foreign Exchange Crimes – Latest News and Updates

2023-06-28 16:44:00

The Economic Affairs and Money Laundering Prosecution decided to release the defendants in the foreign exchange incident, known in the media as the smuggling of millions of pounds outside the country, on a financial guarantee of 50,000 pounds.

The beginning, when Lieutenant Colonel Wael Ezz El-Din, an officer in the General Administration for Combating Public Money Crimes, carried out the search and seizure of the person being investigated, Samer M., “a Syrian national who owns a Gulf garment factory – and resides in Villa 20, Group 4, Hafez Ibrahim Street, First Settlement, and others, in order to seize what he possesses or 194 of 2020 promulgating the Central Bank and Banking System Law, and seizing all documents, papers and electronic media, mobile phones, computers, SIM cards that indicate direct transactions. Criminal activity, as well as proceeds derived directly or otherwise from that activity, and seizing documents indicating the aspects of spending the proceeds of the activity or related to it, such as sales and purchase contracts for real estate and vehicles, the bank transactions of the person being investigated, contracts for establishing companies, purchasing shares and securities, and all documents indicating his financial liability when their dates coincide. With the period of practicing criminal activity and everything that may appear accidentally during the seizure and search, of which possession or possession is considered a crime punishable by law, provided that this permit runs out for one time within a maximum period of thirty days.

Illegal trading in foreign exchange

A police force moved to the residence of the person being investigated, located in Villa 20, Block 4, Hafez Ibrahim Street – First Settlement, where the devices knocked on the door, and the accused opened, seized and searched him. A bag containing high sums of local and foreign currency was found, and an inventory of it later in front of the accused turned out to be 21,000 twenty-one thousand Egyptian pounds – 7830 seven thousand eight hundred and thirty US dollars – 18000 eighteen thousand Saudi riyals 3450 three thousand four hundred and fifty Turkish liras (as Black Samsung mobile phone. [تصنيعوتلوينالأقمشة)وبالتفتيشتمالعثورعلىحقيبةبداخلهامبالغعاليةمنالعملةالمحليةوالأجنبيةوبجردهالاحقاًأمامالمتهمتبينأنهاعبارةعن۲۱۰۰۰واحدوعشرونألفجنيهمصري-۷۸۳۰سبعةآلافوثمانمائةوثلاثوندولارأمريكي-١٨٠٠٠ثمانيةعشرألفريالسعودي٣٤٥٠ثلاثةآلافوأربعمائةوخمسونليرةتركى)كماتمضبطهاتفمحمولماركةسامسونجأسوداللون

Confronting him, he admitted his activity in the field of illegal trade in foreign exchange and transferring money to and from the country outside the scope of the banking market, and that the sums of money seized were in his possession the proceeds of his activity and the mobile phone he used to communicate with his clients.

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And the General Administration for Combating Illicit Trafficking Crimes succeeded in apprehending a Syrian national and 4 others in the case of illegal trade in foreign exchange and money transfer outside the country.

Information was received that the defendants illegally traded in foreign exchange and transferred funds to and from outside the country, in what is known as the clearing system, in violation of the provisions of the law.

Investigations confirmed that: Samer M., a Syrian national, owner of a Gulf ready-made garment factory located in Obour City, Qalyubia, and a resident of Villa 20, Group 4 – Hafez Ibrahim Street – First Settlement – Cairo, and Imad A, a farmer and resident of Al-Marg Al-Jadida – Hotels Station, and he has a shop The residence of the last 1 4 Al-Sa’a Street – Al-Waili – Cairo, and Ibrahim A., head of movement in the Raf-S company – AG First Egypt – a resident of Met-Hamel – Belbeis Center – Sharkia, and Khaled M., a worker – and the resident of Al-Majabra, Girga Center – Sohag. And Muhammad R, who holds a Bachelor’s degree in the principles of religion and resides in Al-Majabra – Girga Center – Sohag, in illegal trade in foreign exchange and transferring funds to and from outside the country, in what is known as the clearing system in violation of the provisions of the law, outside the scope of the banking market, and illegally transferring funds to and from Outside the country, with what is known as the clearing system, in violation of the provisions of Law No. 194 of 2020 regarding the Central Bank, the banking system, and cash.

#Smuggling #millions #pounds #country

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