CPPCC Party Group’s Special Democratic Life Meeting on Education and Xi Jinping Thought

2024-01-11 00:43:01
According to the deployment requirements of superiors, on January 10, the CPPCC Party Group held a special democratic life meeting on education, focusing on the study and implementation of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era and the general requirements of “learning ideas, strengthening party spirit, emphasizing practice, and building new achievements”, and reviewed If the gap is insufficient, conduct party spirit analysis and carry out criticism and self-criticism. Dai Yuan, Secretary and Chairman of the CPPCC Party Leadership Group, presided over the meeting and delivered a speech.
The CPPCC Party Group attached great importance to this special democratic life meeting. Before the meeting, it formulated a work plan and carried out intensive study and in-depth heart-to-heart talks. Members of the party group conscientiously carried out self-study, comprehensively sorted out problems, and carefully wrote comparative inspection materials, laying a solid foundation for holding a good democratic life meeting. At the meeting, Dai Yuan conducted a cross-check on behalf of the CPPCC Party Leadership Group and took the lead in conducting personal cross-checks. Party members conducted cross-checks one by one. Everyone closely followed the theme of the meeting and closely connected with reality, compared outstanding problems in six aspects, dug out the root causes in thinking, found gaps in responsibility, and found shortcomings in work, conducted in-depth analysis and analysis, criticized each other openly and honestly, and made clear and specific directions for rectification. , achieving the effect of enhancing unity and improving work.
Dai Yuan made a concluding speech. He said that we must concentrate our minds and forge our souls, build a solid foundation, and deeply study and understand Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era; we must keep close to the center, serve the overall situation, and demonstrate the CPPCC’s responsibilities in modernization; We must be prudent and prudent, strive for practical results, further consolidate and expand the results of thematic education, and effectively transform the results of the democratic life meeting into a powerful driving force for deepening and expanding the results of thematic education, strengthening the self-construction of the leadership team, and better serving high-quality development, and providing a powerful driving force for “all Billion City Starts Again” contributes the wisdom and strength of the CPPCC.
Zhang Chunfu, deputy secretary of the CPPCC Party Group, and members of the Party Group Wu Xinfa, Zhao Zhengbin, Shi Zhengda, Ge Zhijun, and Zhou Xiaohua attended the meeting. Vice Chairman of the Municipal CPPCC Zhang Jialin, Tang Huaxin, Zhu Zhengqing and Wan Limei attended the meeting.

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