Covid, the left wants to make the Commission of Inquiry fail –

Louis Frasca

Almost five months have passed since it was approved, but the bicameral commission of inquiry into the Covid-19 pandemic has not yet begun its work due to obstructionism by opposition parties. Only Italia Viva has indicated to the presidents of the Chamber and Senate which of its parliamentarians to appoint as commissioners. In the meantime, on July 9, the Senate group leaders of the Partito Democratico, the Movimento 5 Stelle and the Misto group, which includes Alleanza Verdi-Sinistra and Azione, presented a bill to modify the objectives of the commission of inquiry.

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The bill to establish the commission of inquiry on Covid-19 was definitively approved by the Chamber on February 14. The text contains the objectives of the commission and is the result of the union of three proposals by FdI, Lega and Iv, and was approved with the favorable votes of the majority parties and Matteo Renzi’s party. The PD, M5S, AVS and Azione voted once morest. The Commission of inquiry on the pandemic will have to evaluate the effectiveness of the measures adopted by the government and the committee of experts for the management of the pandemic, established in February 2020 by the second Conte government. The commission will have to evaluate the legitimacy of the state of emergency introduced for the pandemic, investigate the purchase of personal protective equipment.

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#Covid #left #Commission #Inquiry #fail #Tempo
2024-07-16 14:22:39



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