Covid severity in China; 31,444 cases on Wednesday | China | COVID-19 | Breaking News

A severe disease spread once more in China, which continued to be completely closed to prevent Covid. 31,444 cases were reported yesterday alone. This is the first time since April 13 that so many people have been affected by Covid in one day. This may seem like a small number for countries that have overcome the severe ravages of Covid, but for China, which has taken all measures to completely eradicate the disease, the sudden rise in cases is a huge setback. The new situation is a heavy blow to the Chinese economy, which is trying to recover from the collapse due to the government’s economic stimulus packages. There was a heavy fall in the stock markets today. Investors also started giving back signals. The rise in infections comes as the Chinese government prepares to relax its zero-covid policy, including a complete lockdown, in view of the economic slowdown. The Xi Jinping government may soon decide to relax the reserve requirement ratio to ensure liquidity in the market.

China’s daily Covid cases hit record high since beginning of the pandemic

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