2023-09-11 13:36:00
Guy Delrée, you are a general practitioner in Marche-en-Famenne but also president of the Local Circle of MG (AMGFA) and the FAGW (Federation of Walloon General Practitioners Associations). You have just hosted an information session for residents of MRS Libert on vaccination once morest both Covid and flu. Is Covid still very present?
It is true that we hear much less regarding it than a few months ago. Still, with my general practitioner colleagues, we have, however, been forced to note, in recent weeks, an increase in calls from people suffering from symptoms that resemble those linked to Covid: pain, muscle, fatigue, fever, mild loss of taste, etc. Some self-tests turn out to be positive. However, it is impossible to quantify this increase since we are no longer testing it at present. The good news is that we no longer encounter forms as serious as before. Although the pandemic is over, the virus is still very present. And, you have to live with it….
What should you do if you experience these types of symptoms?
You must obviously contact your general practitioner and, if necessary, respect a 7-day quarantine.
Can we fear new waves of Covid in autumn and winter?
No doubt, there will still be some… The most important thing for those who would be confronted with Covid is to be among those who suffer from mild symptoms of the disease.
Hence the importance of vaccination….
Indeed, it should be emphasized that the vaccine is extremely effective in protecting once morest severe forms of Covid.
For whom is the vaccine booster recommended?
A new dose of vaccine is strongly recommended for people aged over 65 and for people at risk suffering in particular from chronic illness, obesity or overweight, respiratory problems, etc. In rest homes, as here at the MRS Libert in Marche-en-Famenne, it is important to remember all the benefits that vaccination can bring. In addition to its effectiveness once morest severe forms of the disease, the vaccine also allows the maintenance of normal social life by avoiding possible confinement and allowing visits to continue.
Is it useful to be vaccinated if you are not one of the people at risk?
Those who want to can obviously do so. But this is not recommended because those who have already received three doses of vaccine currently maintain a good immune response. On the other hand, a booster would perhaps be useful for those who have only received two doses since the start of the vaccination campaigns. They can then contact their attending physician.
Where can you get vaccinated once morest Covid currently?
There are currently no more vaccination centers in the province of Luxembourg, although there are 6 remaining in Wallonia. Vaccination can now be done at your general practitioner or in certain pharmacies.
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