Covid-19: vaccine reminders, new doses… what are the recommendations of the High Health Authority?

Admittedly, the coronavirus has not been the main subject of discussion for many weeks, it does not prevent, as the High Authority for Health (HAS) explains, that the Covid-19 virus is still circulating on the territory. . HAS has thus adapted its vaccination recommendations to protect those most at risk of severe forms of Covid-19. It publishes, this Friday, recall recommendations for 2023.

A recall campaign in the fall

The HAS recommends the administration of a booster dose in the fall of 2023 to people at risk of a severe form of the disease. As well as people around them or in regular contact with them (including professionals in the health and medico-social sectors).

People with certain comorbidities regardless of their age, people aged 65 and over and pregnant women are also affected.

An additional spring reminder

In addition, because their vaccine protection decreases faster and more strongly, the HAS recommends that people aged 80 and over, immunocompromised people et people at very high risk of the disease can benefit from an additional booster in the spring.

This vaccination must take into account the medical situation of these people. HAS also recalls that it is recommended in six months since the last dose or infection, regardless of the person’s age or the number of previous reminders.

Keep vaccination open to all

To date, the HAS no longer recommends primary vaccination against Covid-19 in the general population, but it nevertheless insists on the importance of leave the possibility to anyone who requests it to be able to benefit from a booster dose and to be able to be reimbursed for this vaccination.

Furthermore, she considers that the possibility of set up a vaccination campaign at any time if the epidemiological situation justifies itin particular for immunocompromised and/or vulnerable people, or even on a larger scale in the general population given the unpredictable nature of the emergence of variants.

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