Covid-19 vaccination – For whom, when, and where to receive the 2nd vaccination booster

The Covid-19 virus continues to circulate, with very high incidence rates – currently 1,528 cases / 100,000 inhabitants in Hauts-de-France – which continue to increase. The very high vaccination coverage now makes it possible to significantly limit serious forms.

To maintain effective protection once morest severe forms of Covid-19, carrying out a second booster vaccination has been recommended for the most fragile since March 14. The effectiveness of vaccines in fact decreases slightly over time, especially in the most fragile, as long as the body is not stimulated by the encounter with the virus. A new vaccination thus provides this stimulation and allows the strengthening of the immune defences.

A second booster shot for over 80s and frail people

A second recall phase was opened in mid-March for the most vulnerable people so that they can continue to be effectively protected. This new vaccination complements the initial vaccination (1 to 3 injections depending on the situation), and the booster campaign, often described as “3e dose” (1 to 2 injections depending on the situation).

The second booster shot is strongly recommended for:

A new injection 3 months following the first booster

The second booster dose is offered to the most fragile from 3 months following the injection of the first booster. People who have contracted Covid-19 more than 3 months following the first booster do not need to perform this new injection to maintain optimal protection.

The second booster remains recommended for people who contracted Covid-19 less than 3 months following their first booster. This new injection must take place from 3 months following the infection.

This booster vaccination can be carried out with the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines (half dose), independently of the vaccine used previously.

Vaccination in town and in establishments for the elderly

Vaccination for nursing home residents is offered directly within the establishment following obtaining the consent of the resident or, where applicable, his family.

Apart from establishments for the elderly, vaccination can be carried out in the city with health professionals involved in the vaccination campaign: pharmacists, doctors, nurses, midwives.

Regardless of this new booster dose, vaccination remains accessible to all. All people who have not yet started their vaccination schedule or have not carried out a booster are invited to be vaccinated as soon as possible. This applies to the entire population over the age of 5, and even more so to the elderly, who are more at risk of a serious form.

Let’s protect the most vulnerable by maintaining barrier gestures

The Covid-19 continues to circulate actively. Even if wearing a mask is no longer compulsory in most enclosed and outdoor places, it – like all barrier gestures – remains recommended for people at risk; as well as more generally for everyone when deemed necessary, for example during large gatherings, or at the slightest doubt regarding contamination.

Barrier gestures are particularly imperative for everyone in contact with fragile people. Visitors to nursing homes and retirement homes must in particular maintain these essential precautions which involve postponing their visit if there is the slightest doubt regarding a possible infection.

These simple preventive actions, which we now all know, make it possible to limit the risk of contamination for this public more likely to develop a serious form.

People at risk of a serious form for whom vaccination is not effective enough to protect them can receive FFP2 masks free of charge from pharmacies, on presentation of a medical prescription.



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