Covid-19 in Morocco: 83 new contaminations in 24 hours, no deaths and 873 active cases

No deaths, 83 new cases of contamination and 128 recoveries were confirmed in the Kingdom on December 16 and 17, 2022. The still active cases stand at 873, while more than 6.86 million people received the third dose. . Monitoring the pandemic, in figures.

New cases of contamination, remissions, number of screenings carried out, vaccinations, etc. To learn more regarding the evolution of the coronavirus in Morocco, click on this link:

In the Maghreb, Algeria does not communicate the number of screening tests, which suggests that the number of contaminations is much higher than the official figures. The last assessment stopped reports 3 cases of contamination, while no death was deplored. The country totals 271,164 cases of contamination, including 6,881 deaths and 182,609 recoveries.

In Tunisia, 11 new cases of contamination have been recorded, according to the latest available report which does not highlight any deaths. The country has totaled 1,147,282 cases of contamination, including 29,272 deaths and 1,134,050 recoveries since March 2020.

In Mauritania, no case has been recorded, according to the latest report available. The country has recorded 63,425 cases of Covid-19 contamination, including 997 deaths.

The French Hospital Federation (FHF) has called on public nursing homes to speed up the administration of the fifth dose of Covid-19 vaccine to their residents, she told AFP on Friday.

The government had called “solemnly” last week on the directors of nursing homes to give a boost to vaccination once morest the epidemic by highlighting the figure of 21% of residents of nursing homes over the age of 80 vaccinated.

“We told the public authorities not to take the figure of 21% literally,” said Marc Bourquin, strategy adviser to the FHF, which represents 3,000 public nursing homes.

For FHF, this figure is likely to underestimate the number of residents who received the fifth dose. Due to staff shortages, the vaccines given would not always be recorded.

“We relayed the government message by asking the directors of Ehpad to accelerate the vaccination campaign and enter the data”, he adds without being able to give figures.

“Inflation and the war in Ukraine have replaced the Covid in people’s concerns”, he comments, while recalling that octogenarians are vulnerable to the “triple epidemic” which is currently raging: the Covid, the flu and bronchiolitis, dangerous for very old people. The FHF reports a hundred clusters out of 7,000 nursing homes in France and rare and sporadic visit restrictions.

Synerpa, which represents some 2,000 private establishments, rejects the government’s alarmism, citing an “80% protection rate” of residents, the result, according to him, of vaccinations carried out on 1is semester or recent recoveries from Covid. Consequence: “few serious cases”, told AFP Florence Airnaz-Maumé, general delegate of Synerpa.

“We are currently proceeding with the 5e dose. For the flu, the vaccination rate is 90%,” she added. The DG of Synerpa however observes “a difficulty of acceptance” of “multiple annual doses of vaccines, in particular among nursing staff”.

Both private and public nursing homes insist on the importance of Christmas parties and family reunions for residents. “We must celebrate Christmas by taking precautions to avoid contamination, but above all not to close the Ehpad”, argues Marc Bourquin. Fehap, which represents nursing homes in the voluntary sector, did not wish to respond to AFP’s requests.

The pandemic has officially killed at least 6,670,470 people worldwide since the end of December 2019, according to an established report. The United States is the country with the most deaths (1,112,944), ahead of Brazil (691,776), India (530,667) and Russia (392,949).

The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates, taking into account the excess mortality directly and indirectly linked to Covid-19, that the toll of the pandemic might be two to three times higher than that officially established.



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