Covid-19 in France: 249 new deaths, nearly 4,000 patients in critical care

Public Health France identified 361,719 new contaminations on Wednesday, a very high figure but slightly lower than that of Tuesday with 368,149 cases, a number hitherto unseen since the start of the pandemic. The average over the past week is still approaching 300,000 cases per day. The Omicron variant continues to spread even more vigorously.

In hospitals the pressure does not decrease. This Wednesday, the health agency listed 23,889 people hospitalized with a diagnosis of Covid-19, including 2,806 new hospitalizations in 24 hours. As of Tuesday, hospitals had 23,371 patients and 20,688 last Wednesday. Daily hospitalizations increased 18% in one week.

Among these hospitalized patients, 381 people have been admitted to critical care in the past 24 hours, units reserved for the most severe cases. A total of 3,985 patients occupy a bed in these services on Monday. They were 3,969 the day before and 3,695 last week.

In addition, there have been 249 deaths in the last 24 hours in hospital, bringing the number of victims since the start of the epidemic to 126,305 people in France.

Nearly 30 million booster doses injected

In its evening bulletin, the Directorate General of Health announces that 29,977,359 people have received a booster dose. Since the start of the vaccination campaign in France, 53,417,529 people have received at least one injection; or 79.2% of the total population. 137,931 people now have a complete vaccination schedule, or 77.3% of the total population.



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