Covid-19 could increase the risk of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease

While cases of Covid-19 are on the rise once more in France, a Danish study reveals new possible effects of the virus in the long term. According to this research, it might increase the risk of developing Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases.

It is no longer a secret that Covid-19 contaminations have started to rise once more in France with more than 200,000 cases recorded in less than 24 hours for the single day of Wednesday July 6, 2022. But as reported The Midi Dispatch, a new long-term threat might now hang over victims of the virus. A Danish study presented at the 8th Congress of the European Academy of Neurology indeed reveals that people positive for Covid-19 were at higher risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease or Parkinson’s disease.

According to researchers from Rigshospitalet, one of the largest hospitals in Denmark, the neuronal inflammation caused by the contraction of Covid-19 might accelerate the development of neurodegenerative disorders, including the two diseases mentioned above. And the figures are far from trivial. Also according to this study, carried out on nearly a million people, positive patients are 2.6 times more likely to be affected by Parkinson’s disease, 2.7 times to be affected by an ischemic stroke and 3 .5 times more for Alzheimer’s disease.

VIDEO – Health Book – Dr Christian Recchia: “To avoid Alzheimer’s disease, there are a certain number of things that we control, that we can do”

Reassuring researchers

The authors of the study, however, specified that this increased risk was substantially identical to that caused by the fact of catching the flu or another respiratory pathology of the same type. Reassuring words that do not detract from the real interest of this study: to better understand the long-term effects of Covid-19.

Another study, of Chinese origin, recently revealed that one year following leaving hospital, 15% of people severely affected by Covid-19 showed signs of dementia and 25% of mild cognitive impairment type disorders. . Another example, if one were needed, of the complexity and diversity of the consequences of this virus.

VIDEO – Health Book – Dr Christian Recchia: “It’s the first sign of Parkinson’s disease, don’t ignore it”



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