Covid-19 and influenza: Dates and where to go for vaccination for the 2024-2025 Winter Season – El Economista

The Ministry of Health reported that from October 15, 2024 to March 28, 2025the National Vaccination Campaign against Influenza and Covid-19 for the 2024-2025 Winter Season.

The application of 36 million 134,272 influenza vaccines and 22 million 931 thousand 444 doses against Covid-19 is expected, to the population that belongs to sectors with a higher risk of complications, hospitalization and mortality from these diseases.

Population to which influenza vaccine will be applied

For the case of the influenzathe target population is made up of girls and boys from six months to four years and eleven months; people aged 60 and over, pregnant women in any trimester of pregnancy, health personnel and those between five and 59 years old who have some risk comorbidity.

Las comorbidities that make it necessary to receive the influenza vaccine They are: chronic heart or lung diseases such as COPD or asthma; uncontrolled diabetes mellitus, morbid obesity; cardiovascular disease except high blood pressure; kidney failure, immunosuppression due to illness or treatment, cancer and people with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).

Population to which the Covid-19 vaccine will be applied

For the case of Covid-19people between five and 59 years old who have any comorbidity: uncontrolled diabetes mellitus, morbid obesity, chronic lung disease, including COPD and asthma; cardiovascular disease, including essential arterial hypertension, chronic renal failure, immunosuppression due to disease or treatment; cancer or HIV. In addition, pregnant people (with at least six months since their last dose and in any trimester of pregnancy) and women in the postpartum period, as well as people over 60 years of age and health personnel.

Vaccines, highlights the SSA, have proven to have high levels of effectiveness and are an effective tool to reduce the risk of hospitalizations and deaths of patients affected by influenza or SARS-CoV-2, so It is very important that you go to get vaccinatedparticularly women and men who present vulnerable conditions.

Vaccines against pneumococcus will also be applied

Likewise, simultaneously the pneumococcus vaccination in girls and boys under one year of age, and adults over 60 years of age, as part of the strategy to recover vaccination schedules.

Photo EE: Archive

Where can you go to get vaccinated?

The target population to receive biologicals against influenza and Covid-19 You will be able to go to the vaccination centers, to the nearest health unit of the Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS), IMSS-Bienestar, Institute of Security and Social Services of State Workers (ISSSTE), units of Petróleos Mexicanos (Pemex) or health services of the entities .

Get Ready to Roll Up Your Sleeves: The 2024-2025 Vaccination Campaign

Well, well, well! The Ministry of Health has announced that from October 15, 2024, to March 28, 2025, we’re in for a real treat—the National Vaccination Campaign against Influenza and Covid-19. And if you thought last winter was a blast, just wait until you see what they’ve got planned this year. Spoiler alert: it involves needles!

What They’re Planning – Influenza Vaccines

Now, hold onto your hats because we’re looking at a whopping 36 million flu vaccines and an additional 22 million Covid-19 doses! Yes, that’s right folks—just think about all those vaccination parties we could throw! But, let’s focus on the brave souls targeted for this vaccination extravaganza.

The lucky recipients include children aged six months to four years and eleven months, those aged 60 and over, pregnant women (regardless of the trimester), health personnel, and anyone between five and 59 years old with a health condition that comes with a side of risk. It’s like a VIP club, but instead of fancy drinks and music, it’s all about diseases you probably don’t want to be celebrating.

Comorbidities Galore!

Speaking of risks, let’s talk comorbidities—a fancy word for “you might not want to take your chances.” If you have chronic heart or lung diseases (COPD, anyone?), unmanaged diabetes, morbid obesity (the only time being called “morbid” is a compliment), or other serious issues like kidney failure or cancer, then this flu shot is practically begging you to take it!

Covid-19 Vaccines Coming Up!

Meanwhile, we have Covid-19 vaccines ready for anyone between five and 59 years old with similar comorbidities. And yes, pregnant folks can also get in on the action, particularly if it’s been six months since their last dose—so don’t let that bump stop you!

Now, you’d think this whole vaccine business would get boring, but no! We’ve got vaccines against pneumococcus being offered. That’s for the little ones under a year and the wise seniors over 60, adding yet another layer to the winter vaccination fun. It’s like a multi-course meal—delicious and essential!

Where’s the Shot Clinic?

Great, you say, but where do I even go to get these magical vaccines? Well, put on your traveling shoes because you can strut into various vaccination centers, health units of the IMSS, the ISSSTE, Pemex units, or any local health services. Essentially, if it’s got a ‘health’ sign on it, they’re likely to stick you with a needle… legally, of course!

So, what are you waiting for? Step out of the flu and Covid-19 apprehension; time to enhance your immunity and feel like a superhero for the season—cape optional!

And remember folks, these vaccines have high effectiveness in reducing the risk of hospitalizations and deaths. So roll up that sleeve and let’s conquer winter together! Vaccination is simply a shot at a better health!



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