Court bans Dutch father of 500 children from donating sperm

2023-04-28 16:08:35

Dutchman Jonathan Jacob Meijer, 41, was banned by the country’s court from donating sperm to fertilization clinics. The decision, announced this Friday (28/4), was taken in response to a process initiated by an institute that defends the rights of people generated by insemination. The Dutchman himself would have claimed to be the father of 500 to 600 children worldwide.

Parents enrolled in fertility clinics have argued that Meijer’s continued donations violate their children’s right to privacy, claiming that the ability to have romantic relationships in the future will be hampered by fears of accidental incest and inbreeding, the union between related individuals, genetically similar.

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Large-scale semen donations came to light in 2017 following some mothers noticed similarities in the appearance of their children and began to investigate. As time went on, more people discovered that their children were fathered by the same donor.

Dutch law allows each donor to inseminate a maximum of 12 women and help grant the limit of 25 children. Meijer lied to fertility clinics in order to donate more sperm. According to the Donordkind Institute, 270 descendants of the man have already been traced.

In the sights of the Dutch, he began to make donations abroad, including to the Danish sperm bank Cryos, which operates internationally.

The Dutch court established that Meijer be fined 100,000 euros (regarding R$ 550,000) per infraction. He must also ask clinics abroad to destroy his semen in storage, except for that reserved for fathers who have already had children with him. (With information from agency)

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