2024-05-09 15:58:55
The school year started busy The Patagonian Lily, the civil association that last year brought together a good number of residents of Allen and Fernández Oro with its courses in different trades. This 2024 there were modifications, since they had to find another space to teach classesbut always with the same commitment and enthusiasm.
“With comings and goings This year’s courses started in March. This year we start with the CPR, Safety and Hygiene courses and handling of fire extinguishers, which last year were done in the middle of the course,” commented Luis Fuentealba, president of the association. “Registrations were in February and We exceeded expectations with 450 registered in Allen and 130 people in Fernández Oro”he added.
“The situation we are experiencing, since we had to move from the old hospital, generated some uncertainty for us. Fortunately It might be resolved thanks to other institutions that knew regarding our work. Now the classes They are taught in Soyem de Allen facilitieswhere the courses for waiter and bakery. Volunteer Firefighters strengthened our work by collaborating with tools such as ovens and elements for the waiter course. Fernández Oro opened his doors to us and in the CET 27 facilitiesAfter 7 p.m., courses are also held,” explained Fuentealba.
Thanks to agreement with Educationthrough the supervision of Alto Valle Centro II, Spaces were provided to teach hairdressing and makeup courses, in addition to incorporating drawing for children.. “Currently they are 300 people are studying between both cities. There was great interest and demand with the baking course this year. There are 85 students and none of them got off despite the movements we made. Those who gave up were for work or study reasons. 109 had signed up,” he said.
The need is becoming evident and many people are looking for another alternative to the family economy, which is why these courses make a difference. “Other courses that continue with good attendance are welding and electricity. The courses are still certified by the Secretary of Labor and we have the support of Education and the municipality of Fernández Oro We signed an agreement. This first stage ends in July and the Registration for the second period will be in June. Our idea is to continue with our task,” concluded Fuentealba.
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