“Courageous choice and popular within the EU” –

The agreement with Albania for the management of irregular migrants in Italy was “a concrete, courageous choice, which gathers consensus in the European Union”. In an intervention on RTL 102.5, Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani silences the left’s criticism of the government’s choice regarding the arrival of illegal immigrants, therefore considering the opposition’s controversy “out of place”. «This operation – he said the day after the first transfer of migrants from Italy to Albania – causes the opposition to discuss, but it seems to me that this agreement between Italy and Albania was also brought up as a model by the president of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen , who in a letter to the commissioners said that it must be received as a positive example to address the migrant issue.” «We remember – underlined the leader of Forza Italia – that all the centers are managed by Italian authorities. Therefore it is an investment to fight illegal immigration, human traffickers and to send back to their countries of origin those who do not have the right to come to Italy.”

The alternative to migrant centers in Albania would be surrender

Another topic addressed by the deputy prime minister is that of the war in Lebanon. «It is not right – claims Tajani – that Unifil withdraws as requested by Israel. With new rules of engagement and the possibility of interventions, it can represent a buffer between Israel and Lebanon. Another buffer formed by Lebanese armed forces could counter Hezbollah and avoid conflicts. The peacekeepers will not leave, this is a decision of the United Nations.” The opinion of the head of the Farnesina is «that we must remain, guaranteeing the safety of our soldiers. No Italian soldier was injured, they are protected and safe in the bunkers, and at the moment there is no danger to the lives of our soldiers.”

Let me talk Historical fact: Ong, live clash between Alemanno and Fassino

#Courageous #choice #popular #Tempo



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