‘Coup28’ and climate change targets

British Prime Minister Rishi Sonak said last week that despite all the money and all the political and media support, the UK is Environmental Backing off targets.

They have postponed the ban on production of petrol and diesel vehicles for five years. The ban was supposed to come into effect in 2030, but has been pushed back to 2035.

As for Geyser, they have overturned the ruling that required homeowners to use energy-efficient technology.

As soon as Sink announced these changes, he was heavily criticized by the left-wing British media for ignoring the fact that Great Britain Can’t walk the same route no matter who lives in 10 Downing Street.

Despite all the money, political and media support, and being the first country in the world to announce that it will reach its goal of zero carbon emissions by 2045, Sweden has officially announced that it will take time due to difficult economic conditions. But will not reach the target. The exchange rate of Sweden’s currency, the krona, has decreased.

Two weeks ago, the G20 agreed to increase renewable energy capacity at its meeting in India but failed to agree on phasing out conventional fuels.

Last August, U.S. Environment Envoy and former Secretary of State John Kerry announced that the U.S. will not achieve its climate goals unless it receives international support to combat climate change. Everyone knows, especially from the outcome of the G20 summit, that no such cooperation exists at the global level.

A few days ago, a special climate conference was held under the leadership of two of the biggest environmental supporters of the fight against climate change, Microsoft founder Bill Gates, Bloomberg founder Michael Bloomberg and British Prince William. The most important thing is the statement of Bill Gates in which he said that the issue of climate change is being exaggerated and an increase of one and a half degrees Celsius in the global temperature does not mean the end of the world.

The words drew outrage from the far-left media, which has made Bill Gates a historical figure in recent years thanks to his support of the fight against climate change. So they quote his words and then very cynically warn the readers that Bill Gates is not an expert or an environmental scientist.

The media has criticized the Swedish government for its environmental extremism, while the British Prime Minister has been criticized for backing down a little on environmentalism.

The media downplayed the world’s biggest proponent of the fight against climate change because he told the truth. The question is, what does this extremist media want? And who is behind it? Environmental change has become a ‘religion’ for him and he has become blindly fanatical about it. Even now he is no different from any extremist religious group that believes that anyone who does not follow its teachings is an infidel.

Personally, I understand the criticism of the political leadership in Sweden and the UK, where many groups have political goals and ambitions, but to insult the biggest financier in the fight against climate change because it has harmed the environment. Talk about exaggeration, indicating that the matter has gone beyond science and logic.

The lack of logic applies not only to the far-left media, but there are still European politicians who operate with strange logic. French President Emmanuel Macron has demanded that French oil companies sell fuel to citizens at higher prices to convince the French public that the problem lies with the companies and not their government’s policies, which have caused all of France’s energy shortages. A major crisis arose. The series of protests that started many years ago and are still going on, have been ignored.

The French oil companies rejected the makers’ request. What is the problem here? The problem is that taxes on petrol and diesel are among the highest in the world and revenue from fuel taxes has recently reached around €40 billion a year. If manufacturers want to reduce the price of petrol and diesel, they have to reduce taxes. Why do company owners have to lose so that the makers can win politically?

The environmental narrative is changing and the result is an energy crisis!

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The distortion we’re seeing now is the most formal and the biggest in terms of impact, but it started in 2020. I wrote an article in late 2021 titled ‘Carbon Emissions Control Policies, Aggregate Decline and Media Ignorance.’ This indicates that deterioration has already begun. The difference now compared to some time ago is that the media has not ignored it and decided not only to report the news but has also started criticizing it.

The reality is that long-term solutions are needed to mitigate the effects of climate change, and the problem is that extremism has forced governments to adopt policies that need to be implemented quickly, but these policies are inconsistent with reality and cause unsustainable increases in costs.

So we will see the deterioration continue and more countries will announce that they cannot achieve their 2050 carbon reduction targets and that this will be delayed. The author of this article expects the delay to be renewed every five years so that the carbon emissions control target is never met. This ‘five-year’ delay would make it acceptable politically and to a large number of environmentalists.

In addition to all of the above, including the positions of China, India, African and oil-producing countries, particularly the lack of consensus in the G20 regarding the phasing out of conventional fuels, and climate change and oil The stance of the Republican presidential candidates in the US on their support for the oil industry means that the ‘environmental narrative’ is changing.

The European narrative on the environment and the policies they want the world to adopt have failed and must be replaced. This alternative could be considered at the next COP climate conference in Dubai, and if it does, the conference will be historic by all standards.

This change means that the demand for coal, gas and oil will exceed all current expectations and the world will face a major energy crisis due to a lack of investment and a sudden increase in demand. The world will face less if Europe’s narrative about the environment remains the same.

The European narrative points to the availability of energy but sometimes it disappears completely, as happened in Texas in the summer when wind power production prices fell significantly and as happened in the UK in 2021 when wind suddenly Closed. As a result, gas, liquid gas and electricity prices rose to record highs and 21 British energy companies went bankrupt.

Note: This article is based on the columnist’s opinion with which Independent Urdu does not have to agree.

(Thank you Independent Areba)

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