County leader in KrF: Informed of notice against Bollestad

County leader in KrF: Informed of notice against Bollestad

The Christian People’s Party (KrF) confirmed on Thursday that they are processing a notification. Several media, among them Our Country and NRK have spoken to sources in the party who say that the notice is aimed at Bollestad.

Now KrF’s county leader in Innlandet, Jytte Sonne, confirms to NTB that she has been informed about the warning against Bollestad via KrF central. According to Sonne, the warning will be about Bollestad’s leadership style.

– I was very surprised as I have not registered any dissatisfaction with her leadership internally in the party.

– It is sad that she is on sick leave and at the same time receives this notice, says Sonne to NTB.

NTB has tried to get a comment from Bollestad about the warning, but has not received a reply.

Sick since June

General secretary Ingunn Ulfsten in the party will not say who the notice is aimed at.

– We never comment on personnel matters in the media. On a general basis, I can confirm that KrF now has a notification which is processed in line with our routines. I make no further comments beyond that, she says to NTB.

KrF leader Olaug Bollestad is on sick leave until 31 August and cannot be seen at the party leadership debate at Arendalsuka tonight. She has been on sick leave since before the summer.

Calling Bollestad

Several county leaders are ringing Bollestad after the cases about the notice against her.

– I have never perceived Olaug as anything other than generous, caring and inclusive. The announcement is surprising to me, says Eva Høili, who is county manager in Akershus.

The county leader in Finnmark, Erling-Christoffer Suhr, also gives the KrF leader good words of encouragement.

– I myself am relatively new as county manager, but from my short experience I only have a positive opinion of Bollestad, says Suhr.

The county leaders in Trøndelag and Troms, Geirmund Lykke and Irene Sørensen, both say they have full confidence in Bollestad.

– I do not have personal experiences that support the notification case and have full confidence in Olaug. I hope she comes back quickly, says Lykke.

#County #leader #KrF #Informed #notice #Bollestad
2024-08-17 01:14:56



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