Counterfeit AirPods and Apple Watches Seized in the US

2023-04-26 22:12:06

A large number of counterfeit Apple products — specifically, copies of AirPods e Apple Watches — were seized in the United States. Originally from China, they were intercepted at Washington Dulles International Airport and were bound for the state of Virginia.

According to the NBC Washingtonofficials inspected four shipments on March 15, which contained what appeared to be 1.000 AirPods Pro e 50 Apple Watches Ultra. Suspecting that these were counterfeit products, they requested an investigation, which confirmed the suspicion.

Had they been marketed as original products, they would have had an appraised market value of around US$290 mil. They were in plain white packaging with an Apple logo on it — which, of course, might easily confuse potential buyers.

According to the report, the products were seized on March 29 — almost 15 days following the inspection — but (at least so far) no one has been charged.

Be careful!

Although it is easier to recognize a counterfeit iPhone thanks to details such as the exclusive software, in the case of products such as the AirPods, recognition is often difficult – so much so that Apple began to “denounce” if counterfeits of its headphones were connected to iPhones starting with iOS 16.

Even so, as some copies even manage to circumvent Apple’s authenticity detection system, it is worth observing other points on their own — some of which we have already highlighted in an article here on MacMagazine.

AirPods Pro
Apple Watch Ultra

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via AppleInsider

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