Councilor Denmark resigned from RN and will go for reelection for the UDI – La Discusión 2024-04-08 18:34:18

Renovación Nacional suffered a second loss in the Regional Council of Ñuble, following the representative of Punilla and historic member of the community, Javier Ávila, left the party some time ago.

Now it was the turn of the advisor for Diguillín, Rodrigo Denmark, who had been having differences with some members of the party for some time, which triggered his resignation and subsequent landing in the UDI, a group for which he has already signed, and will include him in his list for the elections next October, in which Denmark hopes to be re-elected.

In this way, of the four representatives that the community had in the region, only two remain: Laura Pozo (Punilla) and Sergio Inostroza (Itata).

“During my stay and stay I worked to form a great party for the Ñuble region, but unfortunately, my principles were not well received, having difficulties relating to some of you. As a result of all this, I have been politically persecuted within the party, which led to unfair complaints before party courts by some RN militants from the Ñuble region, who shamelessly failed to tell the truth, and the party never clarified anything. For this reason, I inform you that I am no longer a member and sympathizer of National Renewal, all due to the lack of transparency and political management of our party,” were Denmark’s words to his former co-religionists, which he expressed through a letter.

The core added that “I hope to be able to maintain the ties of friendship with many of you and I greatly appreciate Manuel Cofré and Francisco Garrido, because in the time of adversity they supported me side by side. I hope that RN grows once more and is a worthy and respectful party for our country,” he stated.

Regarding the reason why Denmark was sanctioned internally by RN, everything points to deep differences with the current regional leadership.

“They are different situations”

DFrom RN, its regional president, Rodrigo González, ruled out a “leak” of authorities, ahead of the October elections.

“Indeed, Javier Ávila resigned from Renovación Nacional a while ago as a result of the bad decisions the party made in the previous election. However, he is still a person very close to Renovación Nacional, we believe that he is a tremendous core, that he is a tremendous person. The closeness with Renovación Nacional has not ceased, he is a person who is still in talks with Renovación Nacional, who remains tied to Renovación Nacional for various reasons. I would say that his contractual situation changed a little, but he is still part of the RN family, there is no doubt,” he stated.

Regarding Councilor Denmark, he said, “the situation is different. He faced several uncomfortable situations within RN, among them, a complaint in the party’s Regional Disciplinary Court, which issued the disciplinary measure of expulsion, the maximum disciplinary measure that the party has, and at the time of finding out, he He made the decision to resign early. Therefore, they are different, completely different situations,” he said.

Regarding whether this affects the electoral tables for October, González expressed that “RN continues to have the best men and women candidates in the region, therefore, we are not concerned. We have big names that might face the next election, we have had governors and seremis who were linked and working hard for the region for a long time, and who are today available for a candidacy, therefore, it is not something that complicates or scares us.” , he highlighted.

#Councilor #Denmark #resigned #reelection #UDI #Discusión



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