Councilor asked to fine Aguas Cordobesas and that users not be charged for days without service

The councilor of Encuentro Vecinal Córdoba, Juan Pablo Quinteros, presented a draft resolution to the Municipal Executive Department to intimidate the Regulatory Entity of Public Services of the Province of Córdoba (Ersep) to order Aguas Cordobesas SA to refrain from invoice the proportional part of the fixed charge corresponding to the days 23, 24, 25 and 26 of March 2023 (or those that are determined without service), to the users of the 160 neighborhoods affected by the unforeseen cut in the southern zone of the Cordoba city.

In addition, Quinteros requested that Ersep apply the sanctions that correspond to the concessionary company in accordance with what is established by law.

Three days without service

Due to the rupture of a 1,600-millimeter-diameter pipe located between the Los Molinos plant and the Sur elevator station, more than 160,000 residents of the southern and southeastern sectors of the Capital suffered the interruption of drinking water service in their homes for at least three days.

Aguas Cordobesas reported that since Sunday the service has been normalized and that it has only received some specific claims since then. In addition, he said that he notified the neighbors in advance so that they might take the necessary precautions in the face of the exceptional situation.

From the Ersep they indicated that inspectors from the agency controlled the work of the company’s operators while they repaired the aqueduct and that in the next few days they will submit a report to the Board of Directors so that it can evaluate the performance of Aguas Cordobesas.

Fine for Aguas Cordoba?

Quinteros’s request would take parliamentary status in the next session of the Deliberative Council in order to be sent to the Municipal Executive Department.

“We must restore the days without service to users in the southern zone and in parallel apply a fine to Aguas Cordobesas,” Quinteros considered.

According to estimates by the opposition bloc itself, the fine that Ersep should apply to the concessionary company would be around 13 million pesos.

“The fines in the tariff regime are intended for public service providers to take corrective and preventive measures to avoid this type of event,” added the councilor.



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