Council of States Pushes for Mandatory Cybersecurity Evaluations

The Council of States demands legal bases for the review of the cybersecurity of networked infrastructures.

Council of States calls for legal basis for cyber security audits of networked infrastructures. (Symbolic image) – Keystone

The most important things in brief

  • The Council of States is calling for a legal basis for cybersecurity audits.
  • The Federal Council supports the motion.
  • A central aspect of the motion is the financing of the examinations.


The federal government must have legal bases and financial means to check networked infrastructures, devices and applications for cybersecurity. This is what the Council of States is demanding in a motion that was tacitly adopted on Wednesday.

The National Council must now decide on the proposal of the Security Policy Commission of the Council of States (SIK-S).

The Commission justified the move with serious data thefts and operational interruptions at authorities, public institutions and federal companies. Cyber ​​attacks are now a real threat to public life. Not only is the number of attacks increasing, but they are becoming more technically sophisticated and the potential damage greater.

SIK-S criticizes lack of laws and standards for secure software

However, the SIK-S complained that there are no laws, binding standards and minimum requirements and product liability for software. This is why unsafe products and applications are coming onto the market that can be exploited by cyber criminals around the world and also by state actors.

The Federal Council agrees with the motion. However, it still needs to be clarified how far the federal government’s powers extend for cybersecurity audits outside the federal administration, it wrote in response to the motion.

A critical point in the motion is the financing of the tests, said Defense Minister Viola Amherd in the Council. The federal government is against the creation of a new subsidy. These should be paid for by those in need.



More on the topic:

Viola AmherdNational CouncilFederal CouncilCouncil of States

– ⁤What legal‌ measures are being proposed for⁣ enhancing cybersecurity audits in networked infrastructures?

Council ⁤of ⁤States Demands Legal Bases for Review‌ of ⁤Cybersecurity of Networked Infrastructures

The Council of States⁣ has called for a legal basis for ⁣cybersecurity ⁤audits of networked infrastructures, devices, ‌and applications. The motion, which was tacitly adopted on Wednesday,‌ aims ‌to address⁣ the growing threat of cyber attacks⁤ on public life.

The Need ⁢for a Legal ⁤Basis

The Security Policy Commission of the ​Council of States (SIK-S) ⁤has emphasized​ the importance of having a legal framework ‍in place to ensure the​ cybersecurity of networked infrastructures. The commission cited the increasing number ‌of cyber attacks on authorities, public institutions, and federal companies, which have ⁢resulted in data thefts and operational interruptions.‍ These​ attacks ⁢have become more⁣ sophisticated and pose⁣ a significant threat to⁤ public⁢ life.

Lack of Laws and Standards for Secure Software

The SIK-S has criticized the lack of laws, binding standards, and minimum ‌requirements for software. This has led to‍ the proliferation of unsafe products and applications that ​can be⁣ exploited by cyber criminals ​and state actors. The commission​ has called for the⁤ establishment of laws and standards to ensure that software is secure and meets minimum requirements.

Financial⁤ Means for ‍Cybersecurity Audits

A central aspect of the motion is the financing of cybersecurity ⁢audits. ⁤The Council of States ‌is⁤ demanding that the federal ​government ‌provides the necessary financial ⁣resources to conduct regular audits of networked infrastructures, devices, and applications.

Federal Council Supports the Motion

The Federal Council has expressed ⁤its⁣ support for the​ motion, acknowledging⁤ the need for a‌ legal basis for cybersecurity audits. ⁢However, the Council still needs to decide⁤ on the‍ proposal, which ⁣will require further discussion ‌and negotiation.

The Risks⁢ of Cyber Attacks

Cyber attacks pose​ a significant threat to public life, and the Council‌ of States is right to ⁣demand a⁢ legal basis for cybersecurity audits. Without adequate protection, networked infrastructures, devices, and applications are vulnerable to attacks,‍ which⁣ can​ result ​in data ‌thefts, operational interruptions,⁤ and ‍financial losses.

The Importance ⁣of Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity is a⁤ critical issue that requires urgent attention. The Council of States’ motion is a step in the right⁣ direction, as⁢ it recognizes the need for a legal framework to ensure⁢ the security of ⁤networked infrastructures, ​devices, and applications. With the increasing reliance on digital technologies, it is essential to⁢ have robust cybersecurity measures in place ⁣to protect against cyber attacks.


The Council of States’ demand for ‌a⁢ legal basis for cybersecurity‍ audits is a timely and necessary ‍step to address the growing threat of cyber attacks. The federal government must provide ⁣the necessary ‍financial resources​ and legal framework to ensure ⁢the security of networked infrastructures, devices, and applications. The motion is a call to action, and it is essential that the Council of States and the Federal Council work together to address the urgent need for ⁣cybersecurity measures.

Keywords: Council of States, cybersecurity, networked ⁢infrastructures,⁢ devices, applications, legal basis, Federal Council, Security Policy Commission, software, cyber attacks, data thefts, operational interruptions, public life, financial losses.

Meta Description: The Council of States demands a legal basis for cybersecurity audits of networked infrastructures, devices, and applications. The‌ motion aims to⁢ address the growing threat of cyber attacks on public life.

Header‌ Tags:

H1: Council of ‌States Demands Legal Bases for Review of Cybersecurity of Networked ​Infrastructures

H2: The ⁣Need for a Legal⁢ Basis

H2: Lack of Laws and⁣ Standards for Secure⁣ Software

H2: Financial Means​ for Cybersecurity Audits

H2: Federal Council ​Supports the Motion

H2: The Risks of Cyber Attacks

H2: The Importance of Cybersecurity

H2: Conclusion

What are the key demands of the Council of States regarding cybersecurity audits?

The Council of States Demands Legal Bases for the Review of Cybersecurity in Networked Infrastructures

The Council of States has called for a legal basis for cybersecurity audits to review the security of networked infrastructures, devices, and applications. The motion, which was tacitly adopted, demands that the federal government have the necessary legal powers and financial resources to conduct cybersecurity audits.

The Most Important Things in Brief

The Council of States is demanding a legal basis for cybersecurity audits

The Federal Council supports the motion

* Financing of the examinations is a critical point

SIK-S Criticizes Lack of Laws and Standards for Secure Software

The Security Policy Commission of the Council of States (SIK-S) has criticized the lack of laws, binding standards, and minimum requirements for secure software. This has resulted in unsafe products and applications entering the market, which can be exploited by cybercriminals and state actors. The SIK-S believes that the federal government must have the legal powers to ensure that software is secure and meets certain standards.

The Need for Legal Measures

The Federal Council agrees with the motion, but notes that it is still unclear how far the federal government’s powers extend for cybersecurity audits outside the federal administration. The Council of States is calling for legal measures to enhance cybersecurity audits in networked infrastructures. These measures include the creation of a legal basis for cybersecurity audits, the establishment of binding standards for secure software, and the provision of financial resources for the examinations.

Financing of the Examinations

Financing of the examinations is a critical point in the motion. The Federal Council is against the creation of a new subsidy, and believes that those who require the examinations should pay for them. Defense Minister Viola Amherd stated in the Council that the financing of the tests is a critical point that needs to be clarified.

Consequences of Cyber Attacks

Cyber attacks are becoming increasingly sophisticated and pose a significant threat to public life. The number of attacks is increasing, and the potential damage is becoming greater. Cyber attacks can result in serious data thefts, operational interruptions, and other significant consequences.


The Council of States’ motion is a crucial step towards enhancing the cybersecurity of networked infrastructures, devices, and applications. The federal government must have the necessary legal powers and financial resources to conduct cybersecurity audits and ensure that software is secure and meets certain standards. The National Council must now decide on the proposal, and it is hoped that a solution can be found that will enhance the cybersecurity of Switzerland’s networked infrastructures.

Keywords: cybersecurity, networked infrastructures, Council of States, Federal Council, SIK-S, legal basis, software, financing, examinations, cyber attacks, public life.



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