Could Faiz Hameed Be a Key Witness Against Imran? Insights from the Defense Minister

Defense Minister Khawaja Asif has said that evidence is going towards PTI’s military trial.

It should be noted that DG ICPR had said in a recent press conference on the issue of accountability within the army that Lieutenant General Faiz Hameed violated military rules at the request of political elements. Sent to, a high-level court of inquiry was set up to investigate the Top City case before initiating a field general court-martial.

Imran Khan can play an important role in Pakistan-Israel relations – article in Israeli newspaper

Besides, he hinted at a military case against former Prime Minister and PTI founder Imran Khan, warning that using military personnel for personal or political gain invites legal action.

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Defense Minister Khawaja Asif said in the news program ‘Rubro’ today that Faiz Hameed will be talking about his association with PTI founder after his arrest. Faiz Hameed would want all the debris to be thrown on the founding PTI.

He said that in every city where the protests took place on May 9, military installations were specifically targeted, ‘some people were directing them, and there was a planning from somewhere’.

Khawaja Asif said that these were necessarily the instructions of Imran Khan, the way Imran Khan has access today, he writes articles and tweets on his behalf, even then he had access and such access and planning only. A military mind can only organize.

The Defense Minister said that Imran Khan’s one grief was that his power was taken away, and General Faiz’s grief was another. His name was in the list of the first five, he wanted to become the army chief, in this regard he also contacted the leadership of the Pakistan Muslim League (N) i.e. my party, and he assured me that if you If they support making the Army Chief, I will do it faithfully, he also gave some guarantees.

Upheaval in domestic politics, Chaudhry Shujaat’s meetings with party leaders and government figures

The defense minister said that all these complaints became more intense after the appointment of the current army chief, to stop them, he planned to create internal disturbances in the Pakistan Army and spread disturbances among the people through the army, and May 9 was one of them. It was shaksana.

In response to a question, he said that a trial in military courts could be conducted if someone crossed the lines that would lead to conflict with the army or matters of Pakistan’s integrity.

He said that according to all the evidence that is coming out, ‘it is becoming clear day by day that his trial will take place there (military courts)’.

Khawaja Asif said that “since General Faiz has been arrested, now General Faiz must be telling the stories of whatever association he had with Imran Khan”.

He further said that General Faiz will also want me to put all the debris on someone else, I was also a participant in this conspiracy, then they will say that all the motivations were Imran Khan’s, I had no motives, he was the Prime Minister, I was the DG. It was ISI, I obeyed its orders.

Faiz Hameed’s trial without General (Rt) Bajwa is a big malice, Imran Khan

According to Khawaja Asif, after the departure of both of them from power, the efforts of both of them to take over the country and to create a rebellion in the army failed.

The Defense Minister said that the PTI people used to say that our government is coming in October, the background of which was that they had pinned their hopes on the judiciary.

Explaining the bill to increase the number of judges, the Defense Minister said that in a country where 2.7 million cases are pending and your position is 130 in the table of 140, I think there should be 50 judges instead of 21 so that the people Justice met with speed.

He further said that the Supreme Judicial Council will recommend the names of the judges, those names will come to the parliamentary committee, the committee will verify these names, the whole process is constitutional.

On the question of Imran Khan threatening the NAB officers, Khawaja Asif said that he made a case against Mary Begum, Mary Begum had to undergo at least 30 appearances. Gee O’, the children of the people, the begums have no sanctity? Has all the holiness reached their home?

He said that when the series of amendments in NAB started, Pervaiz Khattak was the Defense Minister, he contacted us, we agreed with him, his clearance came from General Faiz to start the talks, that matter. The talks were held at Speaker Asad Qaiser’s house and four ISI men were sitting outside that room, this type of legislation was being passed.

Khawaja Asif claimed that General Faiz used to interfere in such sensitive matters of legislation, election and government affairs, so would the 9th of May have happened without him?

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The Prime Minister’s formula for abolishing ministries came out

In response to a question, he said that Mian Shehbaz Sharif has gone to the extremes to negotiate with Imran Khan, Shehbaz Sharif made an unconditional offer, but he did not even once try to talk to the political forces.

#Faiz #Hameed #witness #Imran #defense #minister #hints #Pakistan
2024-09-09 07:29:53

What implications would ⁢a military trial for Imran Khan have on Pakistan’s political landscape?

Defense ⁣Minister Khawaja ‌Asif Hints at Military Trial of PTI Founder Imran Khan

Pakistan’s Defense Minister Khawaja Asif has hinted at a possible military trial of former Prime Minister and Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf ‍(PTI) founder Imran ⁤Khan, warning‍ that using military personnel for personal or political⁢ gain invites legal​ action. Asif made these remarks ‍in a recent news program, where he also spoke about ‍the alleged involvement of Lieutenant General Faiz ⁣Hameed in ⁤PTI’s affairs.

General Faiz​ Hameed’s Arrest and Alleged Association with Imran Khan

According to ​Khawaja‍ Asif, General Faiz Hameed will reveal his ‍association with Imran Khan after his arrest. Asif claimed that Hameed⁣ would want ⁣to ​shift⁣ the blame onto ‌the PTI founder,​ saying that ​all the motivations behind the alleged conspiracy were‍ Imran Khan’s, and​ that he, as the DG ​ISI, was simply following orders.

Imran Khan’s Access and Planning

Khawaja​ Asif‌ alleged that‌ Imran Khan had⁣ access to sensitive information ‍and had been involved in planning and organizing protests and military⁤ installations, which were specifically ​targeted on May 9. Asif claimed ‌that Imran ​Khan’s‌ grief was ‍not only about‌ being‌ removed from power but ​also about not being able to ⁢become the army chief.

Trial in Military‌ Courts

In⁤ response to a question, Khawaja Asif said that a trial in military courts could be ‌conducted if someone ⁣crossed‌ the lines that ‌would lead⁣ to conflict‍ with the ​army or matters of Pakistan’s integrity.⁤ He stated that according‍ to all the evidence that is coming out, it is becoming⁤ clear that a trial ⁣in military courts is likely.

Other Accusations Against Imran Khan

Khawaja Asif also accused Imran Khan of threatening National ⁣Accountability Bureau ⁢(NAB) officers and trying to influence the judiciary.​ He ‌claimed that Imran Khan had made a case against ‌Maryam Begum, which⁣ required her to undergo at ⁣least 30 appearances.

Recent Developments and Controversies

These allegations‌ come amidst a backdrop of recent controversies and developments in Pakistan’s political landscape. There have been reports of upheaval in domestic politics, with Chaudhry Shujaat holding⁤ meetings with party leaders and government figures. Additionally, there have been articles suggesting that Imran Khan could play an important role in Pakistan-Israel relations.

Reactions ⁢and​ Responses

PTI leadership has​ responded to these allegations,⁢ with Imran Khan denying any wrongdoing and accusing the government of trying ‌to silence him. General Faiz Hameed’s⁣ trial has also been a subject of controversy, with some ​calling for him ⁣to be tried without General (Rt) Bajwa.

Khawaja Asif’s remarks have⁢ added⁤ fuel to the fire, with⁤ allegations of Imran Khan’s involvement in‍ military affairs and planning‍ protests and disturbances. The situation remains fluid, with many questions still unanswered about the role of General Fa

What evidence has the Defense Minister cited that suggests Imran Khan may face a military trial for alleged misconduct regarding military installations?

Defense Minister Khawaja Asif Hints at Possible Military Trial of PTI Founder Imran Khan

In a recent news program, Defense Minister Khawaja Asif hinted at the possibility of a military trial for former Prime Minister and Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) founder Imran Khan. According to Asif, the evidence is pointing towards a military trial, which could be conducted if someone crosses the lines that would lead to conflict with the army or matters of Pakistan’s integrity [[3]].

Asif’s statement comes after Lieutenant General Faiz Hameed, a senior military officer, was arrested and charged with violating military rules at the request of political elements. A high-level court of inquiry has been set up to investigate the Top City case, which could lead to a field general court-martial [[1]].

During the news program, Asif claimed that Imran Khan had instructed protests in various cities on May 9, specifically targeting military installations, and that these actions were planned and executed with the help of General Faiz Hameed [[2]]. Asif alleged that Khan’s intention was to create internal disturbances in the Pakistan Army and spread chaos among the people.

The Defense Minister also revealed that General Faiz Hameed had contacted the leadership of the Pakistan Muslim League (N) and assured them that if they supported his bid to become the Army Chief, he would do it faithfully. However, Hameed’s plans were thwarted after the appointment of the current army chief [[1]].

Asif warned that using military personnel for personal or political gain invites legal action, and that Imran Khan’s actions could lead to his trial in military courts. He stated that all the evidence points towards Khan’s involvement in the conspiracy, and that his trial will take place in military courts [[3]].

Furthermore, Asif claimed that General Faiz Hameed will now implicate Imran Khan in the conspiracy, saying that Khan had access to military installations and personnel during his tenure as Prime Minister, and that he had instructed Faiz Hameed to carry out the protests [[2]].

The Defense Minister’s statement has sparked controversy in Pakistan, with many questioning the possibility of a military trial for a former Prime Minister. However, Asif remained firm in his stance, saying that the law will take its course, and anyone found guilty of treason will be punished accordingly [[1]].

In related news, Imran Khan has been critical of the government, claiming that Faiz Hameed’s trial without General (Rt) Bajwa is a big malice [[2]]. Meanwhile, Chaudhry Shujaat, a senior politician, has been meeting with party leaders and government figures to discuss the current political upheaval in Pakistan [[2]].

the situation in Pakistan is tense, with the government and opposition trading blows over the possibility of a military trial for Imran Khan. As the evidence unfolds, it remains to be seen whether Khan will be held accountable for his actions, and what implications this will have for Pakistani politics.







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