Cosmos is the colorful flower of choice for a summer garden

2023-09-19 06:00:18

Learn how to grow, care for and propagate the cosmos plant, a summer beauty that fills gardens with color and vitality.

Last update : September 19, 2023

Cosmos is a simple but beautiful plant. However, the first thing to say is that it is a genus that contains around 20 to 26 plants belonging to the Asteraceae family. Among them, the most common and best known: Cosmos bipinnatus et Cosmos sulphureus.

Discover the details of the cosmos plant!

Originally from Mexico, the cosmos is very appreciated because it is easy to maintain and comes in a wide variety of colors. Among them, fuchsias, purples, yellows, oranges and scarlets stand out, very lively and radiant, which fill any garden with joy. In the center, they are completely yellow.

Their flowering begins in early summer and lasts until November. Although the flower is characterized by its simplicity, with eight petals, some varieties appear semi-double. In general, the plant has a height of 50 to 100 centimeters. Its stems are quite thin, while the leaves are more visible.

As the flower sits at the top of the branch, when all the buds bloom, a cloud of beautiful color is created. In addition to providing an incredible visual spectacle, these flowers attract butterflies, birds and bees. Which makes it an ideal plant for pollinators.

How to care for the cosmos plant?

Now that you know the most characteristic features of the cosmos, it is time to tell you regarding its care. You will be able to grow this beautiful summer flower in your garden.

1. Need direct sunlight

When you decide to grow the cosmos plant at home, you must make sure to provide it with a space in full sun. Due to their origin, Cosmos flowers need to receive several hours of direct light per day. Otherwise, not only will it not thrive, but it might die from not being able to execute its processes properly.

For these reasons, the cosmos flower is not suitable for growing in dark or semi-shaded areas. However, it is suitable for growing indoors, provided that the area where the pot is placed receives direct light, through the glass. Of course, be careful that the magnifying glass effect does not occur, burning the beautiful flowers of the cosmos.

2. Need a well-drained substrate

Although cosmos is a perennial plant that grows in nature with basic care, when grown in the garden it must be provided with a nutrient-rich substrate. Most important is that it is well drained so that the irrigation provided does not stagnate.

It is best to use a clay or universal substrate, to which you can add perlite and worm castings. In addition, the substrate must have a neutral pH.

3. Moderate watering

For every plant, watering is essential. In the case of cosmos, watering should be moderate. Indeed, in nature, this plant is not used to consuming a lot of water. However, this does not mean that it is sporadic watering, because then you will go to the other extreme.

Irrigation should also be done depending on the time of year. For example, in summer you should water it every other day, while in winter watering should stop completely. Another recommendation to consider regarding irrigation is not to directly wet the plant. It is best to provide water in and around the soil.

4. Need nutritional support

As we said previously, the substrate of the cosmos must be very rich. It is therefore better to fertilize the plant and provide it with additional nutrients. This additional support will also make the colors of the flowers much more vibrant at each flowering.

Remember that every time your cosmos blooms, it invests a large amount of nutrients, which must be replenished with each cycle. That’s what fertilizers are for. Of course, always favor products of organic origin to take care of the environment in which your little ones grow up.

5. Care once morest parasites

Although cosmos is a very resistant plant, it is not immune to unwanted visitors like spider mites and whiteflies. These are the main pests that usually attack this beautiful flower, affecting its leaves and flowers. Likewise, snails and slugs also pose a significant risk.

In this case, use homemade or organic insecticides. In addition to keeping pests away, they take care of the plant and the substrate so that it remains fertile.

Propagate the flower of the cosmos and enjoy its beauty

The cosmos plant is very easy to propagate, as it can self-reproduce. You will notice its seeds come out when the flower dries, turns brown and spiny, at which point it falls to the ground. While there is no guarantee that all of these seeds will bear fruit, there is plenty of room for success.

Finally, when the plant you have taken care of gives you its seeds, do not hesitate to sow them to make them grow. All you have to do is plant them in the conditions we have already discussed and then wait for them to germinate. When you have many cosmos plants, give them to your loved ones, they will be delighted with this magnificent attention.

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