Cosmocité hosts a journalist residency around the notion of immersion in scientific culture | ECHOSCIENCES

2023-12-15 10:29:55

In November and December 2023, Cosmocité hosted a journalist in residence around innovative scientific mediation formats broadcast in its immersive rooms. Return to this experience.

In 2023, l’Amcsti, the professional network of scientific, technical and industrial cultures, in partnership with the AJSPI, the association of French science journalists, launched a short residency program allowing scientific journalists to observe the mediation work and the daily life of scientific culture structures in their place or while roaming.

The objectives of this program: create a link between scientific culture structures and scientific journalists, allow journalists to attend mediation and training actions in the scientific approach, confront editorial services with the reality of the public and of their questions regarding all territories.

In this context, over 6 half-days during November and December 2023, Science territory welcomed the journalist Emma Bellavia, winner of the Science & Vie young science journalist prize 2023, Master’s student in Scientific and Technical Communication and Culture (CCST) from Grenoble Alpes University and member of the scientific mediation association Auroralpes.

The theme of this residency revolved around the notion of immersion in museums and science centers. A theme that the journalist was able to question, by exchanging with numerous local actors and by living experiences in the planetarium and the salle immersive of Cosmocity. She thus discussed the following subjects:

The notion of immersion in scientific culture formats in France and internationally (ECSITE, HUB Montreal, SPACE Consortium…) with Audrey Korczynska, Project manager at Territoire de sciences.

The Cosmocité planetarium and immersive room, their technical specificities and the formats developed there in partnership with local partners (researchers, teachers) and technical service providers, with Emmanuel Laisné et Fanny Musso, respectively Project Manager and Designer Mediator at Territoire de sciences

L’escape game “Ice Core Adventure” (Théoriz / RSA Cosmos / Territoire de sciences), with scientific mediators Julien Dang et Manon Pellissier who hosted the game and presented the specificities of mediator work in such a format, as well as the glaciologist Bruno Jourdain (UGA / OSUG), scientific advisor to the project

The future immersive CNRS conferences which will be presented at Cosmocité in 2024, with Emmanuel Laisné, Marion Sabourdy, Head of new media at Territoire de sciences, coordinator of this residency and Adolph Grushin, physicist (CNRS, Institut Néel)

The planetarium session “Under the Chilean sky”, on the starry sky of the southern hemisphere, presented by Fanny Musso and co-constructed with José Olivares Flores, physics-chemistry teacher at the Vaucanson high school in Grenoble and leader of the project “Expedition at the foot of the stars”

Under the Chilean sky – illustration Emmanuel Lepage

The use of VR headsets, in particular the experience Spheres, linked to the network Festivals Connexion, which will be presented during the NoS FuturS festival at Cosmocité in February 2024, by Jonathan Bazin, Director of development and cultural engineering at Territoire de sciences

The scanner 3D of Fab Lab of La Casemate and the potential of such a tool within a Fab Lab or more broadly for artistic and heritage uses by Gaétan Bobichon, Designer and Fab Facilitator

To end these meetings in style, Emma was invited to participate in a astronomical observation evening in the company ofAnaël wishes, astrophysicist and approved trainer of the French Astronomical Association at the Baronnies Provençales Observatory

This residency will have been an opportunity for all the speakers to talk regarding their work and current projects, with a view to synthesis and reflexivity, but also to meet or see each other once more and to outline new perspectives.

In parallel with this article and of thread on, an article regarding this residence, written by Emma, ​​will be published in June / July in the next Amcsti Bulletin and relayed on Echosciences Grenoble.

An event as part of the “Decrypt the world” program

The construction of public opinion on current issues is closely linked to the way in which information is produced and transmitted. From media work to individual exchanges on social networks, our society suffers more and more from distortions going as far as the massive dissemination of fake news. La Casemate is carrying out several projects in conjunction with scientists, authors, associations and media professionals, new media and scientific information in order to provide reliable reading paths and to create popularized content in the original and basically rigorous (more informations)


A huge thank you to the following people and structures: the journalist Emma Bellavia, the Territoire de sciences team, the researchers Adolfo Grushin and Bruno Jourdain, the teacher José Olivares Flores, the astrophysicist Anaël Wünsche, the Amcsti (notably Renaud Sorot ), the AJSPI, the Master CCST (notably Mikaël Chambru and Laura Schlenker), the CNRS, the University of Grenoble Alpes.

#Cosmocité #hosts #journalist #residency #notion #immersion #scientific #culture #ECHOSCIENCES



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