Corruption Storm: Anna Donáth Faces Growing Allegations in Prosecutor’s Office

On Thursday morning, Anna Donáth, the former president of Momentum, was interrogated as a suspect by the Metropolitan Prosecutor’s Office on charges of group violence against an official. According to the accusation, MSZP MPs Anna Donáth, Bernadett Szél and Zita Gurmai acted violently against NAV financial inspectors in February 2022, when they conducted an unannounced raid on the Dankó Street headquarters of the Oltalom Karitatív Egyesület led by Gábor Iványi.

Donáth did not come to the prosecutor’s office alone. “We don’t need any more Bibó trials!” advertised with the title solidarity meeting on Thursday morning at half past nine, civil organizations in the Belgrade quayside building. At the beginning of the demonstration, our correspondent on the ground estimated that there were about 100 people there. Among the first to arrive were Tímea Szabó, faction leader of Párbeszéd, and Katalin Törley, one of the founders of the Tanítanék Mozgalom, and later Bence Tordai, who left Párbeszéd, and former MSZP MP ​​Ildikó Lendvai also ran in.

A few minutes before nine o’clock, Anna Donáth arrived at the prosecutor’s office, accompanied by 50-60 purple T-shirts and her defender, Gergely Bárándy, where she was greeted by a huge round of applause before entering. Gábor Iványi handed the politician of the moment a yellow rose.

Anna Donáth’s arrival and Gábor Iványi’s speech – Photo: István Huszti / Telex

Gábor Iványi spoke about the fact that Anna Donáth had to go through the door of the prosecutor’s office. At the same time, Iványi said that the problem is not with them, but with those “who abuse their power, who work on their own irreplaceability, instead of building the country’s future.” As an example of this, he cited the fact that the Budapest government office revoked the operating license of the MET schools last week, right before the start of the school year. According to Iványi, there are situations when you have to pray for God to set aside incompetent and evil people, and this is one such situation.

“Freedom is not an option, but a duty, everyone must fight for their own freedom”

Iványi concluded his speech, after which he received a big round of applause from the demonstrators.

Vera Mérő, one of the organizers of the event, announced shortly after 9 that the solidarity action was over, but those who wanted to and didn’t have to hurry could wait for Anna Donáth. Many of the participants stayed, several placed a yellow rose on the chair in front of the entrance.

The the prosecutor’s office announced at 10 a.mthat it is suspected that the people present at the raid two years ago, including Anna Donáth, started to push him towards the financial security guards securing the location, in order to break through the queue wall, at Iványi’s call. According to the prosecutor’s office, the momentous politician then “pushed Gábor Iványi, who was standing right in front of him, to the financial officers behind him with both hands.”

At the hearing, Donáth – like the other suspects – denied having committed a crime and complained about being suspected.

“I did not commit this crime”

– said Donáth after listening to Anna.

The politician told the crowd waiting for him in front of the prosecutor’s office that he did not yet know the investigative material and evidence against him, so he only testified that he denied the accusations brought against him. In his speech, he emphasized that politically and not professionally motivated proceedings were initiated against him in a case that was completely “false and fabricated”. According to him, this case is not about him, and in reality it is not a political but a moral issue. He added that he considers it horrible that something like this could happen in 2024 to those who, like Iványi, stand up for the fallen.

Photo: István Huszti / Telex

After Donáth’s speech, the members invited the participants to a joint action. Cases that had not been investigated in the last 14 years were written down on A4 sheets, and the papers were glued to the glass door of the prosecutor’s office. The entrance was soon filled with cases, for example the Elios case, the traffic jam, the Biodóm, the ventilator business and the Mátra Power Plant.

What happened?

On February 21, 2022, the National Tax and Customs Administration (NAV) moved to the headquarters of the Oltalom Karitatív Egyesület in Dankó Street due to suspicions of budget fraud causing a particularly large financial disadvantage. According to the indictment, Gábor Iványi tried to enter the building while the NAV was taking action, but was not allowed in because the pastor wanted to enter together with the press staff. According to the prosecutor’s office, several people – including Anna Donáth, Bernadett Szél and Zita Gurmai – acted violently against the tax inspectors, and the violence only stopped when the police arrived on the scene.

You can see exactly what happened on video:

In December 2023, Chief Prosecutor Péter Polt proposed to the President of the Parliament the suspension of the immunity of MSZP Member of Parliament Zita Gurmai and to the President of the European Parliament Anna Donáth. Gurmai and Ivány have since been interrogated as suspects, but they denied committing the crime and filed a complaint against the suspicion.

The European Parliament he did not release Donáth’s immunity in the spring, however, by now the current politician’s mandate as a representative has been terminated. According to the law, Donáth can be imprisoned for up to two to eight years if the court later declares him guilty.

According to Anna Donáth, political revenge and intimidation are behind her interrogation. “Video recordings prove that I did not use violence (as never in my life), all my movements were aimed at protecting an elderly and innocent pastor who was dragged away,” wrote the former Momentum MEP on Facebook.

What are the specific ⁤allegations made against Anna Donáth​ in the‍ criminal investigation⁤ regarding group violence?

Anna⁢ Donáth Interrogated as Suspect in Criminal Investigation

On Thursday morning, Anna ⁣Donáth, the former president of Momentum, was interrogated as a suspect by the Metropolitan Prosecutor’s Office on charges of⁢ group ⁣violence‌ against an official. The accusation alleges that Donáth, along ⁣with MSZP MPs Bernadett Szél⁤ and Zita Gurmai, acted violently against NAV financial inspectors in February 2022, during an​ unannounced raid on the Dankó Street headquarters ⁢of the Oltalom ⁢Karitatív Egyesület led by Gábor Iványi [[2]].

Solidarity Meeting

Donáth ‍did ⁢not attend the prosecutor’s office⁢ alone. A solidarity meeting was organized by civil organizations in the​ Belgrade quayside building, with ⁣around 100 people in ⁢attendance. Prominent ⁤figures such as ⁣Tímea Szabó, Katalin Törley, ​Bence Tordai, and former MSZP MP Ildikó Lendvai ⁢were among​ the first to arrive. Donáth was greeted with a huge round of applause when ‌she arrived at the prosecutor’s office, accompanied by 50-60 purple T-shirts and her defender, Gergely Bárándy.

Gábor Iványi’s ​Speech

Before ⁢Donáth’s interrogation, ‍Gábor Iványi delivered a speech, emphasizing that the problem is not​ with those being accused, ‍but with those who abuse⁤ their power⁤ and work on their own irreplaceability,‌ instead of building the country’s future [[1]]. Iványi cited the example of the Budapest government office revoking the operating‌ license of the MET schools last week, right before the start of the school year. He concluded ⁣his speech by⁣ saying, “Freedom⁣ is not ⁤an option, but a⁣ duty, everyone must fight for their own⁣ freedom.”

The Accusation

According⁢ to the prosecutor’s office, it is suspected that Donáth, along with ⁣others, started to push towards ⁣the financial security guards securing the location, in​ order to break ​through the queue wall, at Iványi’s call [[2]]. The prosecutor’s office alleges that Donáth then “pushed Gábor Iványi, who was standing right in front of him, to the financial officers⁣ behind‌ him with both hands.”

Donáth’s Response

After the⁣ interrogation, Donáth ‌denied having committed a crime and complained about being suspected. She told

Here are some PAA (People Also Ask) questions related to the title **”Anna Donáth Interrogated as Suspect in Group Violence Case”**:

Anna Donáth Interrogated as Suspect in Group Violence Case

On Thursday morning, former Momentum president Anna Donáth was interrogated as a suspect by the Metropolitan Prosecutor’s Office on charges of group violence against an official. The accusation stems from an unannounced raid on the Dankó Street headquarters of the Oltalom Karitatív Egyesület led by Gábor Iványi in February 2022, where Donáth, along with MSZP MPs Bernadett Szél and Zita Gurmai, allegedly acted violently against NAV financial inspectors [[1]].

The prosecutor’s office announced that it is suspected that the people present at the raid, including Donáth, started pushing towards the financial security guards securing the location to break through the queue wall, at Iványi’s call [[1]]. According to the prosecutor’s office, Donáth then “pushed Gábor Iványi, who was standing right in front of him, to the financial officers behind him with both hands” [[1]].

Donáth did not come to the prosecutor’s office alone. A solidarity meeting was organized, with around 100 people attending, including Tímea Szabó, faction leader of Párbeszéd, and Katalin Törley, one of the founders of the Tanítanék Mozgalom [[1]]. The crowd waited for Donáth outside the prosecutor’s office, where Gábor Iványi handed her a yellow rose and delivered a speech emphasizing the need to fight for freedom [[1]].

At the hearing, Donáth denied having committed a crime and complained about being suspected [[1]]. She stated that she did not know the investigative material and evidence against her, and only testified that she denied the accusations brought against her [[1]]. Donáth emphasized that the proceedings were politically motivated and not professionally motivated, and that the case was “false and fabricated” [[1]].

The investigation has sparked controversy, with many seeing it as a form of political revenge. The European Parliament has also been involved, with the Prosecutor General of Hungary submitting a request for waiver of Donáth’s immunity as a Member of the European Parliament [[2]].

In response to the investigation, Donáth has announced that she will continue to fight for her country, and has initiated an investigation into the audio recording made public by Péter Magyar at the European Parliament [[3]]. The case has sparked widespread debate and concern about the state of democracy and the rule of law in Hungary.


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