Corruption scandal: EU Parliament removes Kaili from office

Only a two-thirds majority would have been necessary, but in the end the vast majority of MPs voted against Kaili. 625 MEPs voted in favor of the motion, with only one dissenting vote and two abstentions.

Already in the morning it became apparent that Kaili’s time as Vice-President was finally over: Before the vote, all the parliamentary leaders unanimously voted in favor of removing the Greek from her office, according to parliamentary circles. Parliament’s approval was therefore only a formality.

APA/AFP/Frederick Florin

In the morning, all the Presidents met

At the weekend, Parliament Speaker Roberta Metsola stripped the Vice President of all powers in this office. She was expelled from her Greek PASOK party and the Social Democratic group in the European Parliament.

Lawyer: Kaili ‘has nothing to do with Qatari funding’

Just before the final vote, Kaili spoke through her lawyer: “She takes the position that she is innocent,” Michalis Dimitrakopoulos, who represents Kaili, told Open TV. “It has nothing to do with Qatari funding, nothing – explicitly and unequivocally. That is her position.” Kaili has “not taken any commercial action in her life.” He also has no picture of whether funds have been found, and if so, what amounts. However, Dimitrakopoulos dismissed media reports that 160,000 euros had been found under Kaili’s little daughter’s cradle.

The General Secretary of the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC), Luca Visentini, who was temporarily arrested, also denied any guilt. “Should further allegations be made, I look forward to the opportunity to refute them as I have nothing to blame,” said the Italian, according to an ITUC release published on Tuesday.

Reports: 1.5 million euros already confiscated

On Monday there were further house searches by the Belgian police: This time the EU Parliament building in Brussels was also searched. According to the public prosecutor’s office, data was confiscated from the computers of ten parliamentary employees. On Tuesday, the Belgian newspapers Knack and Le Soir reported that around 1.5 million euros had already been confiscated and also published a first picture of the money.

It also became known that raids had already taken place in Italy over the weekend. Also on Monday, the anti-money laundering authorities in Kaili’s native Greece froze all the assets of the politician, her parents, her sister and her partner.

The investigations started “more than four months ago”, according to the Brussels authorities, meanwhile there have been 20 searches, and the scandal has widened significantly since the weekend. Kaili is one of six suspects arrested by Belgian authorities since Friday in the corruption scandal.

Four people still in custody

Four of them were remanded in custody on Sunday, including Kaili, her boyfriend and former MEP Antonio Panzeri. A court hearing is scheduled to take place on Wednesday to decide whether they will remain in detention until their trial begins. They are accused of involvement in a criminal organization, money laundering and corruption.

It is said that the Gulf Emirate of Qatar, which is currently hosting the soccer World Cup, tried to influence political decisions in the European Parliament with extensive monetary and material gifts. At the EU level, for example, consideration is currently being given to easing the visa rules for Qatari citizens – the procedure in Parliament is on hold after the allegations of bribery. Qatar denied the allegations.

Metsola: Attack on European Democracy

At the start of the plenary week in Strasbourg, Parliament President Metsola gave a speech on Monday and spoke of an “attack on the European Parliament, an attack on European democracy and an attack on our open, democratic societies”.

European Parliament President Roberta Metsola

IMAGO/PanoramiC/Elyxandro Cegarra

Metsola sharply criticized

“Malicious actors with links to third countries” tried to “undermine” the parliamentary processes, Metsola continued. But “their evil plans have failed”. Metsola felt “anger, annoyance and concern,” said the speaker of the parliament to the MPs. There is “no impunity. Absolutely none,” Metsola said. “Corruption must not pay off.”

Karas: “Corruption is deadliest poison”

“Corruption is the deadliest poison for our democracy,” said the Vice President in the EU Parliament, Othmar Karas, on Monday evening in the ZIB2. The investigations show that the system works, according to the EU politician: “But that doesn’t excuse the misconduct.”

EU Parliament Vice Karas on the corruption scandal

Othmar Karas, one of the Vice-Presidents of the EU Parliament, comments on the current corruption scandal surrounding his Greek colleague Eva Kaili – and on the almost immeasurable damage to the image of the EU Parliament as a result.

Karas left open the political consequences to be drawn. One has to wait for the investigations: “A criminal network has formed here, which has launched an attack on European democracy from outside and inside for years.” Now clarification and transparency are required.

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