Corruption network dismantled in CIMEX stores in Havana

A joint operation between the forces of the Ministry of the Interior (MININT) and the collaboration of the population allowed to discover and stop a criminal activity in the CIMEX chain of stores.

According to information published by the newspaper Tribuna de La Habana, investigations carried out by the National Revolutionary Police (PNR) revealed that six individuals, including four employees of the CIMEX chain of stores, a retail worker and another resident of the community, had conspired to divert dozens of boxes of bath soap with the aim of obtaining personal financial gain.

The suspects, in complicity with the managers of the La Única store, belonging to the Arroyo Arenas People’s Council of the capital municipality of La Lisa, appropriated the merchandise, which was intended for sale to the population.

Following these events, complaint number 55399 of 2024 was filed at the municipal PNR unit in La Lisa, under the accusation of embezzlement, a crime contemplated and sanctioned in article 297 of the current Penal Code, according to Law 151.

Although the authorities managed to recover the full amount of the product, thus avoiding economic losses for the entities involved, the diversion of the goods directly affected the population, which was deprived of access to these essential products.

Violation of CIMEX and government mechanisms

The investigation also indicated that the causes that facilitated this crime include the violation of the distribution mechanisms established by the Distribution Department of the municipal government and the CIMEX chain of stores.

The product was not reported in the WhatsApp groups of La Lisa Commerce or in the community groups of the People’s Council, which should have been the beneficiaries. In addition, the administrative procedure known as “torpedo” was not carried out, which ultimately contributed to the clarification of the diversion.

In the context of the complex economic situation facing the country, aggravated by the economic, commercial and financial blockade imposed by the United States for more than 60 years, the leadership of the Revolution has reiterated its call to decisively combat crime, corruption, illegalities and social indiscipline.

In the face of this type of action, Cuban society and the authorities must respond firmly, applying the law rigorously and expressing popular rejection of those who prioritize personal enrichment over collective well-being.

#Corruption #network #dismantled #CIMEX #stores #Havana



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