Corruption Eradication Committee Names Governor of North Sulawesi as Suspect in Money Laundering IDR 100 Billion – 2024-05-11 12:48:45

Inactive Governor of North Maluku (Malut) Abdul Gani Kasuba. (ANTARA/INDRIANTO EKO SUWARSO)

The inactive GOVERNOR of North Maluku (Malut) Abdul Gani Kasuba officially holds suspect status in an alleged money laundering case. The value of the crime in this case is estimated at IDR 100 billion.

“The initial evidence for alleged TPPU (money laundering crime) is that there was a purchase and disguising the origin of the ownership of economically valuable assets in the name of another person with an initial value thought to be around IDR 100 billion,” said KPK spokesman Ali Fikri at the House. Red and White KPK, South Jakarta, Wednesday, May 8 2024.

The Head of the Corruption Eradication Commission’s News Department was reluctant to provide further details about the assets that Abdul believed were being disguised. However, this case was confirmed based on the sufficiency of the evidence.

The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has confiscated a number of Abdul’s assets. A number of witnesses have also provided explanations to investigators regarding this money laundering case.

“The investigative team has also examined witnesses and confiscated several assets of economic value in an effort to fulfill the alleged elements of the TPPU article,” said Ali.

On the other hand, the Abdul Gani bribery case has entered the trial stage. The KPK has confiscated a number of items belonging to the inactive governor of North Sulawesi, one of which is a hotel. (Medcom/Z-6)

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