Corruption cost the State more than MZN 600 million last year – O País

2023-04-19 13:00:05

Murder cases in the country increased by about 200 between 2021 and 2022. Last year, there were 1340 murder cases. The information was advanced by the Attorney General of the Republic, in its 2022 Annual Report, in which it also highlighted that corruption has harmed the State by more than 600 million Meticais. Beatriz Buchili spoke again about the Chang case and says that the former minister should be extradited to Mozambique.

Beatriz Buchili was, this Wednesday morning, before the deputies of the Assembly of the Republic, to present the Annual Report on the State of legality and justice in the country. Buchili spoke of various topics, with greater emphasis on corruption and homicides.

Crimes against sexual freedom were also part of the Buchili report, which made it known that, in 2022 alone, 2610 cases were initiated, of which 1093 passed to the prosecution phase and 509 were archived.

In the chapter on terrorism, there was a reduction in the number of cases filed when compared to 2021.

The Attorney General of the Republic also spoke of the kidnappings registered in 2022. Buchili said that criminals are improving their methods, which makes the solution difficult. Still, there is work in progress.

Regarding drugs, Mozambique continues to be considered a corridor, but there are also outbreaks of drug factories.

Furthermore, Beatriz Buchili spoke about the fight for the extradition of Manuel Chang, detained in neighboring South Africa, involved in the case of hidden debts. For the magistrate, the former Minister of Finance should even be extradited to Mozambique and not to the United States of America.

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In the end, Beatriz Buchili recognized the need to modernize institutions and train staff to speed up justice processes.

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