Corporate bankruptcy / Top in May transportation and telecommunications bankruptcy increase rate of 40.9% ─ LNEWS of logistics news

On June 9, the Imperial Data Bank collected and analyzed the number of corporate bankruptcies in the May 2022 report (for legal consolidation of debt of 10 million yen or more).

According to the report, by industry, 5 out of 7 industries exceeded the same month last year, and the transportation and telecommunications industry increased from 22 to 31 cases, rising 40.9% from the same month of the previous year to the top. The increase in road freight transportation such as truck transportation (13 cases → 19 cases) was remarkable. In addition, the wholesale industry increased by 37.0% and the manufacturing industry increased by 36.4%.

The total number of bankruptcies was 517, which was 12.1% higher than the same month of the previous year. The year-on-year increase is the first in a year since May 2021. Bankruptcy has been suppressed by conventional corona-related support measures, but the rate of decline continued to decline following peaking in July 2021 (down 42.1%), and began to increase this month.

The total debt is 78,540 million yen. In the same month of the previous year, a large-scale bankruptcy with a debt of over 100 billion yen occurred, resulting in a significant decrease of 52.8%.

20220609 teikokudatebank1 520x338 --Corporate bankruptcy / Bankruptcy increase rate of transportation and telecommunications industry in May is top with 40.9% increase

As for the future outlook, Teikoku Databank analyzed that “the bankruptcy deterrence effect of various financing support measures such as corona lending is beginning to fade.” On the other hand, there are many concerns such as the sharp depreciation of the yen and soaring raw material prices. From the decreasing trend up to, the increasing trend is getting stronger. “



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