Coronavirus | The shadow of Covid-19 still hovers, but without alarming Aix professionals

2023-08-18 07:25:19

Ah the Covid… a distant bad memory for some, a source of anxiety for others, the people of Aix do not all agree on how they feel regarding this virus. “Two weeks ago I was at a Kpop concert in Madrid, there were 40,000 spectators, nobody cared regarding the Covid and neither did I!” jokes Doha, 18, sitting on a bench in Cours Mirabeau. “It was hard at one time so fortunately we can live like before!” But the pandemic still left some traces. Marine, 21, has not resumed her life as before. “I’ve avoided taking the bus as much as possible since the pandemic. It has reinforced my desire to stay away from germs.” The young woman has not lost the habit of recommended barrier gestures. “I m

#Coronavirus #shadow #Covid19 #hovers #alarming #Aix #professionals



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