The head of the Ministry of Health (Minsa), Hernando Cevallos, announced on Tuesday that tomorrow the Executive Power will evaluate a possible reduction in capacity following confirming the start of the third wave of the COVID-19.
“This whole situation is going to be evaluated, also the issue of capacity“Cevallos said briefly today at a press conference.
This Wednesday, January 5, a session of the Council of Ministers will be held in which measures focused on each region will also be taken into consideration.
In turn, the Deputy Minister of Public Health, Gustavo Rosell, indicated that “it is not regarding putting more restrictions, but regarding each one taking responsibility for their health and their family.”
“Surely tomorrow the Council of Ministers will discuss some additional measures to avoid the spread of COVID-19 ″, added.
Cevallos ruled out that the imposition of a national quarantine will be considered since it would not have worked as a containment measure for the coronavirus.
“Quarantines raised like the ones we had at the beginning of the first wave, we do not consider it. It may be a quarantine focused on a certain place, with a special situation, but the national quarantine as proposed does not seem convenient to us, it did not give results because we are also a country with 70% informality”, He specified.