Coronavirus in France: the results of this Sunday, February 20

The situation tends to improve, with contaminations decreasing and hospitalizations stable. The daily update on the Covid-19 epidemic in France, with figures from Public Health France and the Ministry of Health.


59,003 cases of contamination have been recorded in the past 24 hours, the average over the last seven days has fallen to 82,571 per day, against 86,562 on Saturday.


There are now 28,643 patients with Covid (+11 in 24 hours, -2,978 over a week) including 2,923 in critical care services (+5 in 24 hours, -382 over a week).


79 infected people have died in hospital in the past 24 hours, bringing the death toll from the epidemic to 136,663.

The vaccination

54.18 million French people have received at least one dose (80.4% of the population), 53.15 million are fully vaccinated (78.8% of the population) and 38.53 million have received a booster dose.

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