Corona new mutations after the summer

Despite international assurances regarding the decline in injuries Novel corona virusHowever, the World Health Organization has warned that new outbreaks of the epidemic may appear in the coming weeks following the end of the summer.

The organization called on governments to strengthen surveillance activities to monitor these mutations and determine their genetic characteristics, as well as preparing health systems to confront the possible rise in the number of new infections that may escalate rapidly with the receding of the heat wave and the beginning of the cold season and a return to increased mixing and gatherings indoors.

New data revealed the importer

The organization’s warning came following the latest data issued by the international organization showed that the total number of confirmed infections had exceeded 597 million, while the number of deaths approached 6.5 million, and the number of vaccine doses distributed in the world reached 12.4 billion.

million deaths

The organization also indicated that the official number of deaths from infection with corona since the beginning of this year has exceeded one million, which constitutes a clear indication that the virus still has a high ability to transmit, and that the disease is still causing dozens of daily deaths, even in countries that have reached High levels of vaccination coverage with additional doses.

The experts of the WHO’s Health Emergency Center also warned that the return of air transport to recovery since the beginning of this summer, and the accompanying easing of prevention and containment measures, or their complete cancellation in many cases, paved the way for a definite rise in the number of new infections during the coming period, and increases the chances of the emergence of New viral mutations.

Serious consequences

They also warned that a new explosion in the number of infections may have serious consequences in light of the current economic and social conditions, and the living and food crisis in many developing countries.

While the latest data available to the World Health Organization indicated that 99% of the analyzes of the genetic sequence of the virus were conducted on the “Omicron” mutant, whose BA.5 mutation is still prevalent at the global level by 74%, following it was prevalent by 71% in the previous week. .

Some studies and preliminary analyzes have also reported on some of the sub-mutants resulting from this mutation, which may be more deadly than the original mutant and faster-influenced, and it is not yet known if it has the ability to evade vaccine immunity.

It is noteworthy that the European Regional Office of the Health Organization had renewed its warnings that the end of the Corona pandemic was still far away, and that the recent waves indicated the ability of the virus to continue spreading on a large scale despite the widening of the vaccine coverage and the high rate of collective immunity caused by recovering from the disease.

This summer has seen widespread relaxation of prevention and containment measures globally.

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