Corona infected people are now even allowed to go to work – corona virus

Corona bang effect in Austria: After the adjustment of the rules for contact persons, the measures for infected people are now being adjusted.

The federal government took its time for a long time: the new corona rules are now in place. And they contain a real bang – with a lot of potential for discussions (Click here for all the new Corona rules).

Because from Thursday, the Ministry of Health will allow people who have tested positive with a mild course and asymptomatic corona cases to work following the end of the quarantine. A recommendation paper from the Smoke Ministry for the authorities on the “release of confirmed cases from the isolation” says: “It is fundamentally possible to visit places of work, provided that the continuous wearing of an FFP2 mask and compliance with suitable protective measures is guaranteed can become.”

Under these conditions you can work infected

So that infected people with a mild course can go to work…

… according to the paper from the ministry, they must be symptom-free for at least 48 hours. In addition, the infection or the start of the symptoms must have been at least five days ago, and a “traffic restriction” must be in place up to the 10th day following the infection.


… have a CT value of over 30. This number was previously used as a guideline for infected people to be released from quarantine.

“Traffic restriction” – that’s behind it

According to the federal government, the “traffic restriction” includes wearing “an FFP2 mask or a higher-quality mask or an MNS for people under the age of 14 in contact with other people, even within the private living area”. In addition, a ban on visiting “settings with vulnerable” groups of people and on activities where an FFP mask cannot be worn continuously. Large events are also taboo during the “traffic restrictions”.

According to the ministry, these criteria also apply to asymptomatic people who want to return to work.

Employees in the health sector with corona infection who go to work due to an acute shortage of staff must also wear personal protective equipment when they come into contact with “vulnerable people”. The new rules should initially apply until Holy Saturday.

CONTINUE READING: 53,071 new corona infections on Wednesday

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